Website key features and terms These definations can be found in the AS media studies WJEC study guide 0.0 / 5 ? Media StudiesWebsite- print analysis ASWJEC Created by: MeganxxCreated on: 20-05-14 15:52 Navigational features Displayed clearly on the webpage in order to help the user move easily around the site 1 of 10 Title/Banner Headline Similar to magazine/newspaper headlines- draws an audience 2 of 10 Flash Elements Animations and moving elements of the side including 'roll overs' 3 of 10 Banner Advertisements The most common way of advertising- appear at the top of web pages 4 of 10 Multimedia features Websites will use a mixture of text images and sound 5 of 10 External web links An image or key word that will take the user to another page or website 6 of 10 Interactive Features The elements of the website that allow the user to become involved with the site through blogs, forums, surveys and email opportunities 7 of 10 User The term for a type of audience 8 of 10 Pop ups These are a type of internet advertising where the advert will 'pop up' 9 of 10 Contextual advertising A form of targeted advertising where, as a result of the information the user has entered on the site, a related advert will appear 10 of 10
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