Week 1 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyGeneticsUniversityNone Created by: ElizaLawsonCreated on: 27-10-18 05:01 The lamprey central pattern generator generates an alternating left–right bending pattern by means of crossed inhibitory fibers 1 of 7 Synaptic vessels store neurotransmitter 2 of 7 A specialized motor unit, with an average size of three muscle fibers, controls: Eye muscles 3 of 7 Information is transmitted from cell to cell across the chemical synapse via a neurotransmitter 4 of 7 Voltage-gated calcium channels in the axon terminal open in response to arrival of an action potential at the axon terminal 5 of 7 Asynchronous firing of motor neurons provides a means by which a population of motor neurons can maintain constant force over a finite time interval 6 of 7 The condition called “fused tetanus” refers to a sustained maximal contraction due to intense motor unit firing 7 of 7
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