Weimar Germany 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryWeimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39GCSEEdexcel Created by: katerobinCreated on: 28-05-19 13:50 Dictated peace diktat 1 of 14 The War Guilt Clause article 231 2 of 14 A leader of the Spartacist Uprising Karl Liebknecht 3 of 14 Soldiers from WWI who kept their uniforms and weapons freikorps 4 of 14 A German manufacturing region Ruhr 5 of 14 The new German currency rentenmark 6 of 14 A financial plan signed in 1924 Dawes plan 7 of 14 The leader of the Weimar Republic Ebert 8 of 14 When the prices of goods rises more rapidly than wages hyperinflation 9 of 14 An actress who starred in Metropolis Marlene Dietrich 10 of 14 An artist associated with New Objectivity George Grosz 11 of 14 The period of time from 1924 to 1929 The Golden Age 12 of 14 In the Golden Years, Germany had the best paid workers in... Europe 13 of 14 Which university was set up in 1919? the Bauhaus School of Design 14 of 14
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