When did Germany experience a BREAKTHROUGH in WW1?
In early 1918.
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When did Germany experience a REVERSAL in WW1?
In June 1918.
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What did Germany experience in August 1918?
A disaster.
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What three things did Germany experience in the last year of WW1?
A breakthrough, a reversal and a disaster.
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Describe Germany's situation in early 1918.
The war was going their way, Russia had been defeated and the Bolshevik government had been forced to sign a peace treaty giving Germany a quarter of its best land, and three quarters of its iron ore.
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Describe what Germans would describe as a breakthrough (B) in the First World War.
German divisions were transformed from Eastern 2 Western front.They made a B along this front in the Ludendorff Offensive.Divisions were finally advancing quickly through Belgium&North France.Their leaders encouraged that victory would soon be theirs
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Describe what Germans would describe as a reversal in the First World War.
Allies were stronger&Germany weaker. USA entered the war in 1917&was sending fresh soldiers and equipment every month. The German Army lost many of its best officers in early battles&its soldiers were poorly supplied.
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What happened in June 1918?
The Ludendorff Offensive slowed, then ground to a holt.
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Why were German Soldiers poorly supplied in 1918?
The British naval had been blocking it's ports for years.
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Describe what Germans would describe as a disaster in the First World War.
In August 1918 the allies counter attacked, and the German Army had little strength left to resist. Within a few weeks the Allies had recaptured all the land that theGermans had gained in the past three months. German territory itself was threatened.
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What was clear by September 1918?
That Germany had to make peace.
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Why did Germans find it difficult to accept they were losing the war?
Because the German Army's fortune had changed so quickly.
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Why was all enthusiasm for the war long last in September 1918?
Because over one million German soldiers were dead, and civilians faced starvation - Germany was in a desperate state.
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On what condition did the allies offer Germany peace?
If they got rid of the Kaiser - who Germany blamed for starting the war.
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What were the four consequences of World War One?
Physical effects, Political effects, Psychological effects and anarchy.
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Describe the consequence: Anarchy.
Germany was extremely unstable. Armed demobilised soldiers were returning home, and joining in violent demonstrations against the Kaiser.
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Describe the Political consequence
Opposition leaders were imprisoned. Germany was ruled as a military dictatorship by the Kaiser and his army leaders Ludendorff and Hindenburg. This weaker the Reichstag further,
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Describe the Psychological consequence
The experience of war made Germans bitter&angry.All hopes of pre-war years had been dashed.They looked for someone to blame for defeat.A society that had been famous for its unity&the obedience of its people was now famous for its squabbling&conflict
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Describe the Physical consequence - Farming
Was disrupted because farm workers were drafted into the army. By 1918 Germany was producing 50% of the milk,60% of the butter and meat which was produced before the war. It could not make up for this by importing.
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Describe the political problems of Germany before the war
The Reichstag was weak. The Working and even the middle class people had little say in how Germany was run. There was also no effective opposition against the Kaiser.
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Describe the psychology of Germans before the war
Germans were proud and ambitious for their country. They were prepared to work hard for its success.
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Why couldn't Germany make up for it loss in production by importing food?
Because since 1916 the British Navy had blockaded German ports, successfully preventing ay food getting in. Many German people faced starvation.
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Describe the event that took place in the winter of 1916-1917.
The supply of potatoes ran out and there were only turnips left.
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Describe the Physical consequence - Starvation and Disease
In the German civilians weak condition, they were vulnerable to disease. About 750,000 German citizens died fro the combined effects of hunger and disease.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
When did Germany experience a REVERSAL in WW1?
In June 1918.
Card 3
What did Germany experience in August 1918?
Card 4
What three things did Germany experience in the last year of WW1?
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