What were the aims of the League

  • Created by: Lucyy
  • Created on: 27-11-12 19:36
How was the League born?
Versailles peacemakers looked to resolve unsolved problems through the League. They wanted to console international disputes and prevent future wars.
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What threatened the creation of the League?
The USA's refusal to join. Without the world's strongest country it was weak in people's perceptions and its strength.
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What was the 'covenant' of the League?
The League's rule book. It had 4 central aims- in a world recovering from war these were optimistic goals.
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How did the League aim to 'Stop War' (aim no.1)?
Discourage aggression and deal with disputes by negotiation. provide collective security by a community of power. In article no.10 of the covenant, members promised to defend the territory and independence of other members.
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How did it plan to 'improve life and jobs of people around the world' (aim no. 2)?
By direct action to improve health and welfare and by encouraging trade and business.
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What about aim no.3 -Disarmament?
Article 3 called for reduction of armaments. much of the League's time was devoted to disarmament even though many members were unsure if this was achievable or desirable.
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What would have to happen for this to succedd?
britain and france would have to lead in disarming, but fear of future conflict was too strong.
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How would the League 'uphold and enforce Treaty of Versailles'?
The League had to support the intentions of the Treaty otherwise stability in Europe would be quickly dissolved.
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Card 2


What threatened the creation of the League?


The USA's refusal to join. Without the world's strongest country it was weak in people's perceptions and its strength.

Card 3


What was the 'covenant' of the League?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How did the League aim to 'Stop War' (aim no.1)?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How did it plan to 'improve life and jobs of people around the world' (aim no. 2)?


Preview of the front of card 5
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