Whitechapel and Jack the Ripper 4.0 / 5 based on 5 ratings ? HistoryWhitechapelGCSEEdexcel Created by: cedd11Created on: 30-05-18 16:30 Whitechapel Era 1870-1900 1 of 18 Main aim for MET Police To go on the 'beat' - patrolling areas in London by breaking up fights and having a strong presence within the community. 2 of 18 Sir Charles Warren - 1866 Met Commissioner - ex army official who used brute force to gain control. Lost job on failure of Jack the Ripper. 3 of 18 Lodging houses People paid to have a bed - conditions were grim 4 of 18 Peabody estate Rent was low, 11 blocks of flats. used to reduce homelessness. 5 of 18 Reasons for crime Low income - Lack of work caused lots of free time - Overcrowding - Prostitution 6 of 18 Tensions in Whitechapel - Irish immigrants Reputation for being drunk and disorderly, associated with Fenians. 7 of 18 Tensions in Whitechapel - Fluctuating populations Accommodation was temporary and residents never fostered any sense of community. 8 of 18 Tensions in Whitechapel - European migrants Often stuck together causing segregation 9 of 18 Problems in policing - Environment Dark and narrow alleys meant it was hard to chase criminals 10 of 18 Problems in policing - Prostitution Cuased violence to women especially in brothels 11 of 18 Problems in policing - Alcohol Fuelled violence. Alcoholics turned to crime to feed the addiction. 12 of 18 Problems in policing - Attacks on Jews After mass arrival in 1880s there was lots of hateful attacks due to language barrier 13 of 18 Whitechapel vigilance committee - DATE 1888 14 of 18 Reasons for it being set up To find Jack the Ripper - set up by business men. They encouraged criticism of police. 15 of 18 Jack the Ripper - Media - Help Encouraged people to come forward with information 16 of 18 Jack the Ripper - Media - Hindrance People sent in hoax letters all of which had to be investigated causing police to waste time 17 of 18 Charles Booth Conducted a survey of Whitechapel and was shocked by results 18 of 18
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