
  • Created by: Erin
  • Created on: 13-05-24 17:06
Who were the met police?
They were a government directed police who policed the whole of London except for the city of London
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Where did most recruits come from and what attracted them?
Most came from outside London and they were attracted by the relatively good pay
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What does CID stand for?
Criminal Investigation Department
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Who was Sir Charles Warren?
He was a former army general who was appointed Met commissioner in 1886
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What were the attitudes towards the police?
Attitudes varied widely. The police still had people trust in some areas but events such as the Trafalgar square riot contributed to the feeling held by many working class people that the police were against then.
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What is a rookery?
This was the slum areas in Whitechapel where most housing was located and they were extremely overcrowded with poor sanitation
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What was the Peabody estate?
George Peabody built 11 blocks of flats in a former slum. It opened in 1881 and tenants were charged reasonable and affordable rents
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How did the environment in Whitechapel add to crime levels?
Low income levels led to stealing for survival by those desperate to avoid workhouses

Unreliable work and lack of work led to lots of spare time which led to alcoholism, disruptive behaviour and violence.

High levels of prostitution meant there was hig
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Which division policed Whitechapel?
H Division
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What did the H division do?
H division constables were each given a set route within Whitechapel to patrol. They were on the look out for trouble and stopped and questioned people to find out what they were doing.
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What were the attitudes towards the police in Whitchapel?
All policing was made more difficult by most of the locals attitudes. The police were mostly mistrusted and many people didn't cooperate with them. Many police constables were frequently attacked
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What problems caused by the environment did the police face?
They had to patrol dark and narrow alleys with courts to multiple doorways to rookeries packed with people and their possessions which made chasing and finding criminals extremely difficult.
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What was the Whitechapel Vigilance committee?
It was set up by businessmen in Whitechapel in 1888 due to the polices lack of progress in catching the ripper murderer.
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What was the reputation of Irish immigrants?
They had a reputation for being drunk and violent and were associated with terrorism
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What were the workhouses?
They offered a bed and food in return for hard labour. Conditions were deliberately poor and families were only able to see each other once a day
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Card 2


Where did most recruits come from and what attracted them?


Most came from outside London and they were attracted by the relatively good pay

Card 3


What does CID stand for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Who was Sir Charles Warren?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What were the attitudes towards the police?


Preview of the front of card 5
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