Whitechapel 4.5 / 5 based on 7 ratings ? HistoryCrime and punishment through time (OCR History A)GCSEEdexcel Created by: embrown1Created on: 03-11-17 16:51 When did the great depression happen? 1973 1 of 37 When did the Jack the ripper killings happen? 1888 2 of 37 What was the population around this time? 30,000 3 of 37 What did overcrowding lead to in terms of crime? Theft and domestic abuse 4 of 37 What did Unemployment lead to in terms of crime? stealing and disruptive behaviour 5 of 37 What did Prostitution lead to in terms of crime? assaults, gangs and intimidating women 6 of 37 What did alcoholism lead to in terms of crime? drunk and disorderly 7 of 37 What did workhouses lead to in terms of crime? theft as people were determined not to go 8 of 37 What did orphans lead to in terms of crime? petty crime and begging 9 of 37 What did immigration lead to in terms of crime? violence 10 of 37 What was the weather like? A lot of smog due to gas fumes and smoke 11 of 37 What was also a problem in Whitechapel? Sanitation 12 of 37 What is a Lodging house? Space for homeless to sleep, sometimes worked 13 of 37 Whats the peabody estate? slums were knocked down to allow 11 blocks of flat to be built 14 of 37 what act allowed this and when? the dwelling act of 1875 15 of 37 what was a workhouse like? worse conditions than others ti deter people, worked hard about and split up from family 16 of 37 What act allowed workhouses to be set up for the homeless? Poor law amendment act of 1834 17 of 37 what orphanage was set up in 1870? Barnados 18 of 37 What was Feniens? Catholic terrorist group 19 of 37 Who was assassinated in russia and when? Emperor and in 1881 20 of 37 What is anarchy? The belief that the governments had failed to help people so should be overthrown 21 of 37 What did the social democratic party enforce?When working class and women rights in 1881 22 of 37 Why was there racial hatred? immigrants took jobs, stole and had better sweatshops 23 of 37 when was the metropolitan police act set up and by who? 1829 and Robert Peel 24 of 37 Why were the police hated? Mass poverty and unemployment and police were seen to be on the rich peoples side and they had to stop riots happening 25 of 37 What is a brothel? House where men visited prostitutes 26 of 37 What is a streetwalker? Prostitue wandering streets looking for clients 27 of 37 Why was it hard to catch the criminals on foot? Smog, narrow alleyways, courts, rookeries 28 of 37 When was the letter 'dear boss' received? September 1888 29 of 37 Why was there tension between the met and the city of london police? Met rubbed off evidence in city of londons areas of patrol and they didn't agree or share any evidence 30 of 37 What police techniques could they use? Post mortems, Follow up leads, interview witnesses 31 of 37 When did the double murder occur? 30th September 1888 32 of 37 What wasn't invented to help police? Fingerprinting or DNA (police couldn't tell animal blood from human blood) 33 of 37 What system was set up that took peoples measurements and recorded them as a way of keeping peoples records? Berlliton System in 1894 34 of 37 When were help lines set up on phones? 1907 for met police 35 of 37 When was the health improvement act? 1890 36 of 37 What was the biggest crime that soared in the 1890s? Burglary 37 of 37