Division of labour, separating big jobs into smaller jobs. Increasing quality, and creating interdependency
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Why do people work?
Wage, skills, social aspect, job satisaction
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Why dont people work?
in education, retired, supported by parents, children, kids
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Name the diffrent types of payment
Salary, wage, commission, time rate, piece rate, fringe benefits
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What is gross and net pay?
Gross is before tax, net is after tax
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Name the deductions on pay slip?
NICs, income tax, pension contributions, membership fees
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Name the four types of unemployment?
Frictional- between jobs, structual- permanent changes because of the loss of sectors in the economy, Seasonal- Duh. Cyclical- Random long term fluctuation in GDP because of less demand in the economy
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What are the costs of unemployment on the person?
Loss of skills, unmotivated, poorer heealth
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What are the costs of unemployment on the community?
lower standard of living, increase in crime, harder to get a job-excess supply
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Costs of unemployment on businesses
Exess supply of jobs- wages fall, less business, multiplier effect
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What are the government doing to minimise unemployment?
What is the good and bad of flexible working on the employer?
Good: costs les pp, more workers= more productive, more flexible workforce. Bad: More difficult to manage workers, employ more people, harder to coordinate workforce.
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What is the good and bad of flexible working on the employee?
Good: fot around other commitments, more motivated, less stressed. Bad: Less likely to be promoted, less benefits
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