World Development Topic 2:
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- Created by: ChickenBalls
- Created on: 31-01-16 10:32
What is Save The Children?
An NGO targeting areas with the highest deprivation by providing basic needs.
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An example of Save The Children's work abroad
Indonesia- made up of 17000 islands and 50% live in absolute poverty. Used Families First and introduced a National Standard of Care for orphanages.
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How many people in England are homeless?
2014- 2744 people sleeping rough at any one night.
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What is Families and Schools Together (FAST)?
Intervention programme which allows parents to visit their children's school for eight weeks to bond with their children and understand their learning.
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What is Eat Sleep Learn and Play?
Links with Argos to provide essential needs for those who cannot afford it, such as a bed, clothing, blankets etc.
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Example of food as a basic need, resource depletion due to population growth and a bottom up sustainable development project
Machakos, Kenya- desertification, drought, arid conditions and poor soils.
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What are the features of a bottom up approach?
Several small scale projects, run by NGOs, basic and not expensive to improve the lives of the local community.
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What is an example of top down development?
The Narmada Dam in India- a series of 3000 dams so that the poorest get the basic need of water.
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What are the main impacts of the Narmada Dam?
245 villages drowned out, hunger strikes, ancestral lands drowned, cost $8.5 billion and 8000 families homeless.
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Name two examples of safe access to water
Domestic rainwater harvesting system provided by Practical Action and catching fog of Atacama in Peru.
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What is an ecological footprint?
Measures a person's use of natural resource consumption e.g. food, electricity etc.
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What is sustainable development?
A way for people to use resources without them running out.
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What is global citizenship?
Actions that people do to have an impact on the earth to take action building a more just and stable world.
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What is global responsibility?
Appreciating that there is a world beyond us and playing an active role in improving it.
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What is environmental tolerance?
The range of conditions that an organism can withstand. More tolerance means an organism can withstand a broader range of conditions.
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What is global interdependence?
World-wide mutual dependence, countries relying on each other for the importing and exporting of goods.
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What are the features of a top down development approach?
Decision making from a government or large multi-lateral organisation where the local community have little say but the benefits seep down to even the poorest.
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What is arable farming?
Crop farming
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What is pastral farming?
Animal farming
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What is an example of arable farming in an MDC?
Lynford House Farm in the UK, existing for 200 years in the Cambridgeshire Fens.
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Give an example of a bottom up development project to provide crops in an overpopulated area.
Cuba's market gardens- Organoponicos. Gardens to grow food located on people's roofs, raised beds or concrete blocks.
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What theory is an optimistic look on population resource relationships?
Boserup 1965- population growth, increased food demand, improved agricultural activity OR raised ability to import food, population growth continues.
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What theory is a pessimistic look on population resource relationships?
Malthus 1798- population growth, increased food demand, less food per capita, increased mortality (positive checks), decreased fertility (preventative checks), reduction in population growth.
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What is microcredit?
Small scale loans to very poor people to allow people to generate income in order to care for themselves and their families.
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Give an example of a bottom-up development project created by Dr Yunus.
The Grameen Bank in 1983 India.
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What are the positives of the Grameen Bank project?
Targets poor so that they can start a business, based on trust, offers self-employment, alternative to conventional banking, door to door, encourages saving
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What are the negatives of the Grameen Bank project?
Favoritism, setting people up to fail as they loan too much money, money lenders are not happy.
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Give an example of famine and food insecurity.
Ethiopia Famine 1983-5 was the worst famine to hit the country in a century due to drought, civil war and government policies.
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What are the effects of the famine in Ethiopia?
More than 400,000 deaths, extreme malnutrition, rising infant mortality rates, 3 million displaced
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What are the responses of the famine in Ethiopia?
600,000 relocated but tens of thousands died from forced settlement, villagization caused decline in food production, received world attention, international response from the RAF, Bob Geldoff and LiveAid raised money
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Give two examples of sustainable settlements.
Milton Keynes and Dhavari
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Give an example of sustainable living in the 21st Century.
Hammarrby Sjostad Stockholm is a brownfield site being developed into one of Stockholm's largest urban development project.
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What factors make Hammarrby Sjostad Stockholm a sustainable living area?
Transport from the area to the city center by a free ferry, trams, carpools, pedestrian bridges, lots of landscape and environment, solar energy, recycling centres
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
An example of Save The Children's work abroad
Indonesia- made up of 17000 islands and 50% live in absolute poverty. Used Families First and introduced a National Standard of Care for orphanages.
Card 3
How many people in England are homeless?

Card 4
What is Families and Schools Together (FAST)?

Card 5
What is Eat Sleep Learn and Play?

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