English is brought to new territory, emerging bilingualism
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exonormative stabilization of the dynamic model is
Bilingualism spreads, led by the politically dominant country
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nativisation of the dynamic model is
Bilingual speakers forge a new variety as ties with country of origin weakens
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endonormative stabilisation of the dynamic model is
After independence, a linguistic norm is codified
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differentiation of the dynamic model is
Internal social group identities gain importance and grow dialectal difference
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Jennifer Jenkins 2006 theory is
English as a Lingua Franca
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A Lingua Franca is
a language that speakers have in common where it is not their first language
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what is English as a Lingua France
when many learners of English do not want or need to use English with people whose first language is English
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Dispersal and Migration coins L1 to mean
the first language a person has
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Dispersal and Migration coins L2 to mean
the second language a person acquires
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Dispersal and Migration coins EAL to mean
additional languages to English where English is not the 1st learnt language
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Kim and Elder conducted their 2009 study on
Korean Pilots and American traffic staff
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what was Kim and Elder's study
looked at the difficulties found when Korean pilots and American air traffic staff communicated. They didn't agree on a Lingua Franca, and there was unhelpful language use
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