People remain poor throughout their lifetime and often across generations as they are in a situation where the financial resources needed to get them out of poverty are unavailable.
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A desired process by which individuals are to take direct control over their lives. People then become agents of their own development.
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Assets and capacities an individual or household can use to establish entitlement to food.
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A way of characterising a person's command over things, taking note of all relevant rights and obligations. Entitlement relationships include trading, production or sale of labour, inheritance.
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Gender related development index, gender specific HDI.
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Gross domestic product, GNP minus income from abroad.
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Gender empowerment index, composite indicator that includes gender inequility in % of male/female MPs, % male/female legislators and professional, male/female estimates of earnings (PPP adjusted).
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Measures extent to which a household's income deviates from a perfectly even distribution, the higher the value the more unequal the distribution.
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Gross national income, index used by World Bank. GDP together with income from other countries less similar payments made to other countries.
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Gross national product, amount of money a country earns per capita.
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Gender related poverty index, gender specific HPI.
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Human development index. Composite indicator, LE, adult literacy, mean years' schooling, GDP/capita (knowledge, longevity, standard of living).
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Human poverty index, measures extent of deprivation, 1997 UNDP, longevity, knowledge, standard of living, %.
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Index of vulnerability.
A measure of the economic vulnerability of countries.
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Applies to individuals and households. May be a lack of income or exclusion from an aspect of society.
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Poverty line.
Used to define those in poverty. People living on less than US $1 a day are in extreme poverty and on less than US $2 are in poverty. Used for target setting e.g. Millennium development goals.
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Poverty trap.
In the UK where a person gets a job that pays less than the benefits they were on. In LEDCs systems of agricultural trade can keep farmers in poverty.
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Physical quality of life index, measures quality of life. It includes literacy rate, infant mortality, and life expectancy at one year.
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Relative poverty.
Specific to time and place, standard of living low compared to average country as a whole.
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Social standing, may be defined by occupation, ethnic group, religion etc.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
People remain poor throughout their lifetime and often across generations as they are in a situation where the financial resources needed to get them out of poverty are unavailable.
Cycle of poverty.
Card 3
A desired process by which individuals are to take direct control over their lives. People then become agents of their own development.
Card 4
Assets and capacities an individual or household can use to establish entitlement to food.
Card 5
A way of characterising a person's command over things, taking note of all relevant rights and obligations. Entitlement relationships include trading, production or sale of labour, inheritance.
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