world development- terms and definitions 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? World Developmentworld developmentdefinitions for key termsASWJEC Created by: hannahCreated on: 20-02-14 16:43 Absolute Poverty struggling to provide the basic human needs (if you live under $1 / day your are in absolute poverty) 1 of 31 Relative Poverty only poor compared with the majority of society ( $2-3 /day) 2 of 31 subjective poverty the feelining of living with out, in other words want something but can't afford it( luxuries) 3 of 31 cycle of poverty people who remain poor throughout lifetime and generations due to the lack of ability to gain financial funds 4 of 31 GDI Gender Related Index 5 of 31 GDP Gross domestic Product ( GNI - income form abroad) 6 of 31 GNI Gross National Income 7 of 31 HDI Human Development Index (literacy rates, DDP per capita and life expectancy) 8 of 31 GNP gross National Product ( money earned per capita in country) 9 of 31 Index of vulnerability economic venerability of countries 10 of 31 poverty lack of income oe exclusion from an aspect in society 11 of 31 poverty line measure of poverty used for setting targets ( e.g. Millennium development goals) 12 of 31 status social standing, may be included in occupation, ethnic group, religion etc. 13 of 31 millennium development goal 1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger 14 of 31 millennium development goal 2 Achieve universal primary education 15 of 31 millennium development goal 3 Promote gender equality and empower women 16 of 31 millennium development goal 4 Reduce child mortality 17 of 31 millennium development goal 5 Improve maternal health 18 of 31 millennium development goal 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases 19 of 31 millennium development goal 7 Ensure environmental sustainability 20 of 31 millennium development goal 8 Develop a global partnership for development 21 of 31 HIPC Highly Indebted poor countries 22 of 31 global dependency dependency on other countries for resources to ensure the population survival 23 of 31 social responsibility moral obligation to help others less fortunate and contribute to society 24 of 31 infant mortality number of babies that die under the age of 1 per year per 1000 live babies 25 of 31 birth rate number of births per 1000 per year 26 of 31 death rate high death rate suggests poor sanitation and medical care per 1000 per year 27 of 31 standard of living economic level of persons daily life 28 of 31 quality of life social measure on physical effects (infant mortality, people per doctor, literacy rate, life expectancy etc.) 29 of 31 top-down development project large scale projects developed by the government to produce tourism and money for the economic growth of the country at a large expense 30 of 31 bottom up development project small scale development projects carried out by NGO's to further the locals resources using simple technology 31 of 31
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