Woyzeck Knowledge 2.0 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? Drama & Theatre StudiesWoyzeckA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: tashajonesCreated on: 27-04-14 09:48 George Buchner left the play... incomplete 1 of 12 The real Woyzeck was a... barber 2 of 12 A rehearsal technique to look at a characters relationship before the play was set? flashback 3 of 12 In order to explore the Drum Major or the Captain's arrogance and behaviour, what technique could be beneficial? hot seating 4 of 12 Which practitioner believed in emotional memory and the way body language could help develop the physical performance of a cast? stanislavski 5 of 12 Artaud had a theory that was said to "inspire" and "wake us up", which theory was this? theatre of cruelty 6 of 12 What changes about the voice when setting the location/context? accent 7 of 12 Performing the piece to an audience over a mile away would mean the actors would have to... exaggurate 8 of 12 Different characters will lead with different... body parts 9 of 12 What type of director would look at inner motivation and the reasons behind everything they do? naturalistic 10 of 12 ...means that different people will view different parts of the play in a variety of ways. It's someone's own way of viewing something. interpretation 11 of 12 Ultimatley, the play is about a man fighting both mental illness and _________ from those above him in higher positions of authority. oppression 12 of 12
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