WW2 and Nazi Germany 1939-1945 crossword 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryWWII and Nazi Germany 1939-1945GCSEAQA Created by: dilys.goodridgeCreated on: 30-11-16 21:17 The agreement signed to end the fighting in WW1 Armistice 1 of 30 A state where a government makes decisions. They are elected by the people Republic 2 of 30 The German Emperor Kaiser 3 of 30 Gave up being Emperor Abdicated 4 of 30 The German word for 'stab in the back' Dolchstoss 5 of 30 The rules and guidelines for how a country should run and the rights and responsibilities of the people and the leaders Constitution 6 of 30 An international peacekeeping group set up after WW1 League of Nations 7 of 30 War damages to be paid (like compensation) Reparations 8 of 30 No armed forces allowed in these areas Demilitarised 9 of 30 Dictated peace Diktat 10 of 30 An enforced peace - what many German politicians called the Treaty of Versailles Gewaltfrieden 11 of 30 Union/Alliance between 2 countries - specifically Austria in this case Anschluss 12 of 30 A vote by the people in the country on an important issue Plebiscite 13 of 30 A communist group who started an uprising in Germany in 1919 Spartacists 14 of 30 An uprising Putsch 15 of 30 President of the Weimar Republic Ebert 16 of 30 Ex-soldiers Freikorps 17 of 30 An industrial centre in Germany Ruhr 18 of 30 Became the Chancellor of Germany in 1923 Gusstav Stresemann 19 of 30 Person in charge of finance in a government Chancellor 20 of 30 New currency introduced in 1923 to deal with hyperinflation crisis Rentenmark 21 of 30 The Nazi Party's key ideas 25 Point Programme 22 of 30 The symbol adopted by the Nazi Party Swastika 23 of 30 Opposition to and attacks on the Jews Anti-Semitism 24 of 30 Strong feelings on patriotism Nationalism 25 of 30 A system where the people have some control over industry and production Socialism 26 of 30 A term meaning 'empire'. Nazi Germany is often referred to as the Third ..... Reich 27 of 30 The Brownshirts SA 28 of 30 Leader of the SA Ernst Rohm 29 of 30 A fluent public speaker Orator 30 of 30
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