Y9NS Operating Systems 0.0 / 5 ? ICTComputer systems and mobile technologiesGCSENone Created by: AshLynxSimp001Created on: 09-11-20 08:55 This system controls the general operation of a computer Application Software 1 of 10 This is moved to and from the hard disk Data 2 of 10 The operating system allows this to communicate with the software Hardware 3 of 10 This is managed by and operating system and runs applications and executes and cancels processes CPU 4 of 10 How do we interact with the operating system User Interface 5 of 10 How many user interfaces are there Six 6 of 10 Which type of user interface is unique to the individual Biometric 7 of 10 Which type of user interface responds to your touch Touch Screen 8 of 10 Which type of user interface is easy to navigate Menu Driven 9 of 10 Which type of user interface recognizes your your voice and responds to commands Speech Driven 10 of 10
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