Year 12 French - En famille 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchfamilyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: SOPHIEDURIEUCreated on: 06-09-17 16:00 l’anniversaire de mariage wedding anniversary 1 of 35 l'autonomie independence 2 of 35 le beau-père stepfather (or father-in-law) 3 of 35 les beaux-enfants step-children 4 of 35 la belle-mère stepmother (or mother-in-law) 5 of 35 célibataire single-parent family 6 of 35 le cocon familial family nest 7 of 35 la cohabitation living together (without being married) 8 of 35 la compagne partner (female) 9 of 35 le compagnon partner (male) 10 of 35 le concubinage living together (without being married) 11 of 35 la conflit des générations generation gap 12 of 35 conseiller to advise 13 of 35 crier to shout 14 of 35 Critique to criticize 15 of 35 la dispute argument 16 of 35 un enfant unique an only child 17 of 35 la famille décomposée split family 18 of 35 la famille etendue extended family 19 of 35 la famille monoparentale single-parent family 20 of 35 la famille nucleaire nuclear family 21 of 35 la femme wife 22 of 35 la femme au foyer house wife 23 of 35 les frictions parents-enfants parent-child conflicts 24 of 35 l'homme au foyer house husband 25 of 35 le mari husband 26 of 35 se marier to get married 27 of 35 le menage household 28 of 35 la natalité birth rate 29 of 35 s'occuper des enfants to look after children 30 of 35 le/la partenaire partner 31 of 35 le père/la mère célibataire single father/mother 32 of 35 les rapports relationship 33 of 35 la rupture break-up 34 of 35 vivre to live 35 of 35
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