year 11 work 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? Physical EducationDiet, drugs, smoking, alcoholGCSEAQA Created by: ellienooneCreated on: 24-11-14 20:18 What is group 1 in injury prevention? Outwitting opponents- game activities 1 of 43 In netball what safety prevention do you need? appropriate trainers, no jewellery, hair tied back and no contact. 2 of 43 What is group 2 in injury prevention? accurate replication- gymnastics 3 of 43 What is group 3 injury prevention? Exploring and communicating ideas- dance 4 of 43 what is group 4 injury prevention? Performing at maximum levels- athletic 5 of 43 what is group 5 injury prevention? Identifying and solving problems- mountain walking 6 of 43 What is group 6 injury prevention? Exercise safety and effectively to improve health- warm ups 7 of 43 what is a knockout? Involves one team playing another team. Winning team goes through.(later rounds of world cup) 8 of 43 Give one advantage of a knockout Quick and easy to organise 9 of 43 Give one disadvantage of a knockout Loosers only get to play one team 10 of 43 What is a league? Most common. All teams play one another twice over the season- (premier league) 11 of 43 Give one advantage of a league Cater for large entry 12 of 43 Give one disadvantage of a league Goes on for a long time 13 of 43 What is a ladder? Set number of players of a list, challenge people above you and take higher place in ladder. (tennis/ golf) 14 of 43 Give one advantage of a ladder? Simple to run and administer 15 of 43 Give one disadvantage of a ladder Progress can be slow 16 of 43 What is a combination event? Combine elements of others such as qualifying in a league then go into a knockout (world cup) 17 of 43 Give one advantage of a combination event High numbers of teams 18 of 43 Give one disadvantage of a combination event can take a long time to complete 19 of 43 What is an individual sponsership? They are paid money to display sponsors names. 20 of 43 What is a team sponsership? Top level clubs receive free goods and get paid millions 21 of 43 What are sports and events sponsorships? Major sponsors associate themselves with different sports. 22 of 43 Give an example of individual sponsorship Formula 1 have sponsors on overalls 23 of 43 Give an example of team sponsorship Barcelona sponsors quarter foundation and earns millions 24 of 43 Give an example of sports and events sponsorships barcleys- premier league 25 of 43 Give 5 examples of sponsorships equipment, clothing, money, transport, training 26 of 43 Give one advantage of sponsorships Concentrate of sport without financial worries 27 of 43 Give one disadvantage of sponsorships Sponsors can withdraw at any time 28 of 43 What is a role model? A role model is someone who people aspire to be like, look up to and seem to be a good example to follow 29 of 43 Give an example of a role model Jessica Ennis as she has a good level of performance and can motivate people to want to be like her 30 of 43 Give a characteristic you need to be a good role model Play by the rules, inspirational, set trends and good level of performance 31 of 43 How is pe offered in school? Extra curricular, trips, clubs 32 of 43 Why is pe offered in school? To give kids a healthy lifestyle and its the national curriculum 33 of 43 What does risk assessment mean? To look at possible dangers or damage involved within the sport, in carrying out a particular action or activity 34 of 43 Name a risk assessment Drinks are out of the way so the players dont slip on them 35 of 43 Name a risk assessment Nets can hang on the floor on a badminton court and make you trip up 36 of 43 What course can you do related to pe? GCSE PE, BTEC, A LEVEL, DEGREE COURSE 37 of 43 What qualifications can you got from pe? sports performing award- level 1 sports coaching in footbal 38 of 43 What qualifications can you get from pe? Proficiency awards- for example swimming 39 of 43 What qualifications can you get from pe? GCSE- pupils assessed in different roles: lead to career 40 of 43 Whats does pre season mean? Training before the season begins 41 of 43 What does peak season mean? Maintaining fitness during the season 42 of 43 what does post season mean? Resting after the season 43 of 43