Yeats poetry 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureW B YeatsASOCR Created by: CarolineRCCreated on: 05-05-15 12:59 The stolen child Come away o human child to the waters and the Wild with a fairy hand in hand for the worlds more full of weeping than you can understand 1 of 42 The stolen child To and fro we leap and chase the frothy bubbles for the world of full of troubles 2 of 42 The stolen child Mmingiling hands and Mmingiling glances 3 of 42 September 1913 They have series the marrow from the bone 4 of 42 September 1913 Add the half pence from the pence 5 of 42 September 1913 For men were made to pray and save 6 of 42 The cold heaven Ice burned 7 of 42 The cold heaven I took all blame out of sense and reason 8 of 42 The cold heaven The hot blood of youth 9 of 42 The Wild swans at Coole Nine and fifty swans 10 of 42 The wild swans at coole Bell beat 11 of 42 The Wild swans at Coole Their hearts have not grown old 12 of 42 The wild swans at coole When I awake some day to find they have flown away 13 of 42 An Irish airman foresees his death Those i fight I do not hate 14 of 42 An Irish airman foresees his death In balance with this life, this death 15 of 42 An Irish airman foresees his death The years to come seemed waste of breath, a waste of breath the years behind 16 of 42 The fisherman A man who does not exist, a man who is but a dream 17 of 42 The fisher Man In grey Connemara clothes 18 of 42 The fisherman The living men that I hate the dead man that I loved 19 of 42 Broken dreams Your small hands were not beautiful 20 of 42 Broken dreams Your beauty can but leave among us vague memories, nothing but memories 21 of 42 Broken dreams Burdensome beauty 22 of 42 The cat and the moon Minaloushe creeps through the grass From moonlit place to place the sacred moon overhead 23 of 42 The cat and the moon Does minaloushe know that his pupils Will pass from change to change, and that from round to creasent from creasent to round they range 24 of 42 Easter 1916 Wherever green is worn is changed changed utterly 25 of 42 Easter 1916 A terrible beauty is born 26 of 42 Easter 1916 The horse that comes from the road, The rider the birds that range 27 of 42 The second coming Turning and turning in the widening gyre The falcon cannot hear the falconer 28 of 42 The second coming The blood dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere The ceremony of innocence is drowed 29 of 42 The second coming Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it Reel shadows of indignant desert birds 30 of 42 Sailing to Byzantium Consume my heart away; sick with desire 31 of 42 Sailing to Byzantium But such a form as Greasian goldsmiths make Of hammered gold and gold enamelling To keep a drowsy emperor awake 32 of 42 Sailing to Byzantium Fish, flesh, or fowl, commended all summer long 33 of 42 Leads and the swan A sudden blow: 34 of 42 Leada and the swan Brute blood 35 of 42 Leada and the swan Her thighs caressed by the dark webs, ... Loosening thighs 36 of 42 Among school children Honey of generation had betrayed 37 of 42 Among school children I chestnut tree, great rooted blossomer 38 of 42 Among school children And thereupon my heart is driven wild: She stands before me as a living child 39 of 42 In memory The innocent and the beautiful have no enemy but time 40 of 42 In memory They convicted us of guilt; Bid me a strike a match and blow 41 of 42 In memory Two girls in silk kimonos, both beautiful, one a gazelle 42 of 42
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