The Muslim calling to prayer - 'God is great, there is no God but Allah. Come to prayer.' which is said as the first words a newborn child hears by the child's father.
1 of 17
Moral code
Beliefs about what is right/wrong accepted by a person or group which may determine action.
2 of 17
Coming of age
Religious rituals performed to celebrate a child's becoming an adult in the eyes of the other members of a religion.
3 of 17
Faith group
Groups of people who gather as part of the same religion, may encourage and support each other especially helpful for young people.
4 of 17
Freedom of choice
The belief that humans can make choices unconstrained by by external factors such as beliefs about fate.
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Generation gap
Differences in actions, beliefs betwwn individuals from different generations such as adults and young people
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The process of being isolated within society for being viewed as different, especially occurring with groups such as religious believers in young people
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Peer pressure
Someone within the same age groups pressuring someone to adopt a (negative) behaviour or attitude to be accepted
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Secular society
Aspects of society not influences by religion containing people who do not have religious beliefs
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A feeling which occurs form being apart of a religion, of having power such as spiritual
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Support from being part of a community with shared values, societies within a religion.
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Faith school
A school designed for students belonging to the same faith so will focus teaching about that faith
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Apsolute morality
The belief that morals are unchanged no matter what the situation
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Relative morality
Although someone may have morals, they are not applicable in all situations
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Initiation ceremony
A ceremony to welcome a new (adult) member of a religion so they are fully recognised and expected to follow the religion
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Having sex with a person who is not your spouse (when at least on person is married)
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A couple living together without being married but acting as such. May have or live with children
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Beliefs about what is right/wrong accepted by a person or group which may determine action.
Moral code
Card 3
Religious rituals performed to celebrate a child's becoming an adult in the eyes of the other members of a religion.
Card 4
Groups of people who gather as part of the same religion, may encourage and support each other especially helpful for young people.
Card 5
The belief that humans can make choices unconstrained by by external factors such as beliefs about fate.
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