increasily fragmented and diverse. Postmodern views maintain that a shared attachment is not the norm in the contemporary UK, as most youth styles have become fluid and changeable.
1 of 9
Postmodernists: youth styles are no longer...
based on factors such as class, ethnicity and gender. The relationship between style, musical taste and identity has broken down.
2 of 9
Club culture
Clubbing culture associated with the UK in the late 1980s and 1990s, young people shared a collective in a dance experience regardless of class, gender or ethnicity. Also had a reputation for drug use such as ecstasy.
3 of 9
Neo tribes: Bennett
Argued the concept of youth subcultres no longer suited to the fluid youth styles of the postmodern world. A neo tribe was a more fluid association which people could move in and out of over time.
4 of 9
Supermarket of style: Polemus
Youths can choose from the different fashions, music tastes and identities. Young people can wear whatever they choose in creating their own identity. E.g Britney and Bhangara beats
5 of 9
Criticisms of postmodernism1
There are still examples of subcultural groups in society: goths and emos
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Criticisms of postmodernism2
The idea of fluidity is overstated. Most young people do not move in and out of neo tribes over a long period of time.
7 of 9
Criticisms of postmodernism3
Although there is more choice in youth styles than in the past, young people do have dress conventions to follow.
8 of 9
Criticisms of postmodernism4
It could be argued that there are still youth styles associated with different genders, ethnicities and classes.
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
based on factors such as class, ethnicity and gender. The relationship between style, musical taste and identity has broken down.
Postmodernists: youth styles are no longer...
Card 3
Clubbing culture associated with the UK in the late 1980s and 1990s, young people shared a collective in a dance experience regardless of class, gender or ethnicity. Also had a reputation for drug use such as ecstasy.
Card 4
Argued the concept of youth subcultres no longer suited to the fluid youth styles of the postmodern world. A neo tribe was a more fluid association which people could move in and out of over time.
Card 5
Youths can choose from the different fashions, music tastes and identities. Young people can wear whatever they choose in creating their own identity. E.g Britney and Bhangara beats
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