Showing 1 to 2000 of 9527
- FLASH CARDS: Key people during the English Reformation.
- Americal Lit Context - slide
- Behaviorist Approach PowerPoint
- Attachment - cornell notes
- SB1- Key Concepts of Biology
- Measurements and their errors PPT
- Tracking sediment using radioactive material
- all of social influence
- All of gender
- All of forensics
- Health and disease in medicines
- Anglo Saxon Norman Conquest Timeline!*
- Personal Pronouns
- Summary of What We Have Learned About the French in Indochina & Vietnam
- Hashing, Compression and Encryption
- AS/A-level Physics specification
- Merchant of Venice Notes
- OCR A Geography GCSE Paper 1 Notes
- Paper 1 Psychology AQA A level Summaries
- Mind maps on Topics 2022
- Equality
- Finance
- Ethnicity
- Gender
- The Golden Age of Weimar Culture
- Terror and Opposition
- Social and Economic Policies
- Nazi Economic Policies 1933-45
- Impact of WWII
- Germany Division
- The Role of Women in WWI
- Was the Provisional Government doomed from the beginning?
- Berlin Blockade
- Knowledge Organiser by topic
- Daljit Nagra
- Hobson's Choice full overview
- Tess of the D'Ubervilles quotation bank
- Problem Of Evil mind map
- Hamlet PowerPoint
- Structure of a Neuron
- Unit 6 - Principles of management
- AQA Hazards Case Studies
- intention to create legal relations
- privity
- contract terms
- remedies
- consideration
- acceptance
- offer
- LP1 revision PowerPoint
- Conservatism overview
- AQA A-Level Psychology
- Grouping Organisms & Environments
- Cognitive development
- Wjec non fiction context presenation
- AQA all of B1 presenation
- Prose Writing - Character
- Correcting the comma presenation
- Spoken language presentation
- Perception presentation
- Non- verbal communication 2
- Non-Verbal communication
- Introducation to GCSE Psychology
- Criminal behaviour presentation
- My Boy Jack Compared to Birdsong
- Up the Line to Death - Poetry Anthology Revision Resource
- Language Paper 1 Guide
- Gothic Timeline - key texts and themes
- Natural law revision OCR religious studies/ ethics
- Mary I Quiz
- Political Party Funding
- Social Voting Factors
- Valence Voting Factors
- Social & cultural issues in psychology
- Kerboodle B1 revision resource - Cells
- Kerboodle B2 revision resource - Cells
- GCSE (9-1) Music | OCR | Solo Artists IMPROVED!
- Development of the periodic table
- Computer legislation laws
- GCSE (9-1) Music | OCR | Solo Artists
- GCSE (9-1) Trilogy | Foundation | AQA | Chemistry | Chemistry of the atmosphere
- GCSE (9-1) Music | OCR | Rock Anthems Powerpoint presentation
- Family dysfunction as a psychological explanation for schizophrenia
- Same Sex Relationships
- Biological Explanation for Schizophrenia
- Protein Nutrition
- A level Product Design - Optimization and Topology
- A level Product Life Cycle and Marketing
- Knowledge organiser for A Level French eduqas
- Stages of attachment
- Merchant of Venice- Revision guide- Beano Edition
- OCR B Paper 1 / Theme 1 - Geography Flashcards
- Quote picture momentos
- Delegated Legislation
- Language and Gender revision notes
- Je voudrais faire
- Revision techniques / help
- Design Arguments powerpoint
- Heroes
- AQA Physics (Combined Science)
- AQA Chemistry (Combined Science)
- Biology International A Level Unit 1: Molecules, Diet, Transport and Health
- Biology International A Level Unit 2: Cells, Development, Biodiversity and Conservation
- Biology (Combined Science) AQA GCSE
- Reactivity Trends
- An Inspector Calls- Character Quotations
- Atoms, Ions and Compounds
- Enzymes
- Basic Components of Living Systems
- Memory Revision PowerPoint (AS / A-Level)
- Gender Revision PowerPoint
- Research Methods Revision PowerPoint
- Social Influence Revision PowerPoint (AS / A-Level)
- Psychopathology Revision PowerPoint (AS / A-Level)
- Sociology AQA GCSE
- Carbonyls and Carboxylic Acids
- Buffers and Neutralisation
- Acids, Bases and pH
- Unit6
- Power & conflict comparisons
- Classification and Evolution
- Biodiversity
- Spectroscopy
- Organic Synthesis
- Manipulating Genomes
- Haloalkanes
- Alcohols
- Patterns of Inheritance
- Alkenes
- Alkanes
- Basic Concepts of Organic Chemistry
- Transport In Plants
- Stem Cells
- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Crusade Timeline
- Richard Swinburne Presentation
- Montserrat
- WJEC Level 3 Food Science & Nutrition Unit 1 Revision powerpoint
- Topic 1: Ideology, Science and Religion
- Glaciated Depositional Landforms
- Glaciated Upland Erosional Landforms
- AQA Geography - Changing Places revision PowerPoint
- changing spaces, making places powerpoint
- Component 1
- cardio system
- Orsino Character Annotations
- Religion and life powerpoint
- America; A Land of Opportunity
- To Kill a Mockingbird - Chapters 3 & Four
- Prohibition in America
- Minimum Wage Legislation
- Approaches Revision Powerpoint
- Social Influence Revision Powerpoint
- Schizophrenia Revision Powerpoint
- Issues and Debates Revision Powerpoint
- Attachment Revision Powerpoint
- Memory Revision Powerpoint
- La Haine
- Problem Of Evil
- Situation Ethics Revision Powerpoint
- The design argument
- Goodbye Lenin- the ultimate revision powerpoint
- Ich fuhl mich so fifty-fifty - the ultimate revision powerpoint
- Germany democracy and dictatorship FULL OVERVIEW OF COURSE
- Ecosystems
- OCR Creative iMedia - Written Examination PowerPoint
- Oslo Analysis
- comparison of theories
- Musculoskeletal
- Biopsychology
- Types of feminism
- Short Beethoven's Sonata Revision
- Is the family functional? - evaluation
- Evaluation of conflict theories
- Parsons Evolution of the Family
- Variety and evolution
- paper 1 biology revision
- Citizenship
- Before you were mine
- loves philsophy
- AS notes
- MetaOfMind- MBTI & Eliminative Materialism
- MetaOfMind- Physicalism
- MetaofMind- Issues facing Dualism
- MetaofMind- Property Dualism
- MetaofMind- Substance Dualism
- MetaofMind- What do we mean by ‘mind’?
- MetaofGod- Religious Language
- MetaOfGod- The Problem of Evil
- MetaOfGod- Ontological Arguments
- Epistemology- The Limits of Knowledge
- Epistemology- The Intuition and Deduction Thesis
- Epistemology- Innatism
- Epistemology- Berekley's Idealsim
- A2 Business Studies syllabus overview
- Health and Social Care- Cambridge national OCR exam notes
- Eatwell Plate (Health and Social Care- Cambridge national OCR)
- Dietary Needs of young adults, adults and elderly (Health and Social Care- Cambridge national OCR)
- Macro and Micro nutrients (Health and Social Care- Cambridge national OCR)
- All different types of communication powerpoint
- Analysis of Sheila, Mr and Mrs Birling
- Macbeth key quotes
- Economics Revision
- Governing Modern Britain Revision Guide
- The Sensation Novel
- Communication, Homeostasis and Energy Questions
- Communication, Homeostasis and Energy Mark Scheme
- CP1-5
- All of Islam Flashcards
- All of Philosophy flashcards
- Cue Cards/Powerpoint Textile Fibre Properties
- Powerpoint Revision ALL TEXTILES A LEVEL
- Mind Maps for All of Textiles
- Epistemology- Direct Realism and Indirect Realism
- Epistemology- The Tripartite View (of Knowledge)
- Epistemology- What is Knowledge?
- Liberalism Summary 2017 spec
- La Haine notes
- WJEC Religious Studies Philosophy - Arguments for the existence of God
- Beliefs in Society
- Business models, theories and calculations
- Language and Gender revision
- Child Language Acquisition PP
- Medicine through tome c1900-present
- Democracy- UK Politics
- Global Institutions
- International Trade and Commodities
- Antarctica- Global Commons Case Study
- Global Commons
- Global Governance - Orgs + Institutions
- Transnational Corporations
- Key Points for Russian History - Back to Basics
- The USA, 1955-92: JFK's New Frontier
- How is Mr Utterson presented in Jekyll and Hyde?
- Post war America
- Henry VII to Elizabeth I
- Henry VII to Elizabeth I
- Designers for Alevel Textiles
- Analysis of Poems
- Analysis of Poems
- Psychodynamic Approach OCR EDUQAS Complete
- The Gun Analysis
- Language and Power - Features and Theorists Powerpoint
- Language and Ethnicity - Context, Theorists and Case Studies
- Language and Gender - Theorists and Terminology
- Hazards case studies summary
- Dorset coastal landscape ppt
- Sociology A-Level: Sociology and Science summary
- Sociology A-Level: Feminism summary
- Sociology A-Level: Religion and Social Change summary
- Sociology A-Level: Secularisation summary
- Sociology A-Level: Marxism and Religion summary
- Sociology A-Level: Interviews Summary
- Sociology A-Level: Questionnaires Summary
- Required Practicals for Chemistry Paper 1
- Sociology A-Level: New Right and Education Summary
- Sociology A-Level: Marxism and Education Summary
- Sociology A-Level: Functionalism and Education Summary
- Sociology A-Level: Gender and Education Summary
- Sociology A-Level: Gender and Subject Choice Summary
- Sociology A-Level: Ethnicity and Education Summary
- Sociology A-Level: Social Class and Education Summary
- Britain Transformed, 1918-97 - 1.5 (Thatcher)
- P.E.R.V.E.R.T.
- AQA English Lit(9-1)A Christmas Carol quotebank.
- AQA English Lit(9-1)Poetry. Power and Conflict. Poetry comparison.
- Britain Transformed, 1918-97 - 1.4 (Changing Quality of Life)
- Hazards PPT
- Coastal Systems and Landscapes Revision
- Water and Carbon Cycles PPT
- Britain Transformed, 1918-97 - 1.3 (Society in Transition)
- Britain Transformed, 1918-97 - 1.2 (Creating a Welfare State)
- Britain Transformed, 1918-97 - 1.1 (Changing Political and Economic Environment)
- AQA Sociology Victimology
- Biology AS Level Protein Synthesis
- AS english language theorists
- AS english language theorists
- AS english language theorists
- AS english language theorists
- Design communication
- IGCSE Chemistry - Indicators
- IGCSE Chemistry - Indicators
- Introduction to Sociological Research Methods
- The Cold War
- Case Study Notes
- GCSE Chemistry Knowledge Organisers (9-1)
- The Supernatural in Macbeth
- Mental Health
- Macbeth Act 4 Scene 3
- Christmas Spirit in A Christmas Carol
- Mistake
- Third Party Rights
- Terms
- Estoppel
- Consideration
- IGCSE Chemistry - Tests for Ions Presentation
- Offer + Acceptance
- Case Studies for Physical Geography.
- Bandura Studies (1961, 1963A, 1965)
- Negligence spider diagram
- Socialism Key Thinkers and their views
- Infrared Spectroscopy CCEA As 2.7 Chemistry
- Of Mice and Men Revision Powerpoint
- AQA Education Sociology Revision Guide
- spanish oral 2019 - el medio ambiente
- Introduction to Religious Studies
- Theme 3: Politics and Participation
- Introduction to Literature
- Literary Contexts
- titanic revision
- LAW Notes for ELS
- Relationship Revision
- world war 1
- civil courts aqa law
- Global Disease Distribution
- The Stuarts 1625-1701 revision
- Mass Media Revision - Whole Topic
- Edexcel A Level History Italy: Italy in the 20th Century
- Necessity defences: self defence
- US Judiciary - full notes for AQA with examples
- US Executive - full notes for AQA with examples
- Bottom-Down Approach
- Top-Down Approach
- The Kite Runner - Hassan
- The Handmaid's Tale Revision
- Kantian Ethics
- Philosophy Year One
- Nazi Germany
- Comparing Poems - Cluster 2
- Hazards
- English Language Specimen paper on a powerpoint
- Psychopathology AQA
- God as illusion, wish fulfilment and source of harm (Freud)
- Approaches in Psychology
- The Skeleton
- Globalisation
- Private Nuisance AQA
- Binary Tree Traversals
- Types of Data Structure
- Basic cells
- Psychopathology- Definitions of Abnormality AQA
- media- media,content, presentation and audiences
- media- media,content, presentation and audiences
- media- representations of age, gender, ethnicity, etc
- Media- selection and presentation
- Media- globalisation and popular culture
- Media- Ownership and Control
- Media.1- the new media
- travel and tourism unit 1
- travel and tourism unit 1
- Pride powerpoint
- GQ powerpoint
- Lord of the Flies (AQA GCSE 9-1)
- Plant Diesease
- OCD Powerpoint
- Definitions of Abnormality Powerpoint
- Phobias Summary Powerpoint
- The Jet Stream
- macbeth character analysis
- The Cell Cycle Mitosis Phases
- William Harvey Revision PPT
- Unit 43 - Multimedia
- Social Influence AQA
- Delegated Legislation AQA
- Biopsychology- Nervous System
- Water and carbon cycles
- Food GCSE
- Localisation of Function in the Brain
- English Language Papers - Exam Help + Tips
- States of Matter
- States of Matter Review
- Statutory Interpretation (whole topic)
- Perfect Tense
- Nominative, Accusative, Dative and Genitive Cases.
- Present Tense
- Poetry Research.
- Bonding and structure
- Extract from 'The Prelude' William Wordsworth
- Parliamentary Law Making (whole topic)
- Functionalism on religion
- Great Keep Forward
- Theme 4- Social developments
- Formation of tissue and lymph fluid
- Belief in Allah
- Tudor Quiz cards
- Democracy and Nazism 1918-1945 Key Figures
- How the law works & Power and influence
- Bonding Summary Notes
- The 1983 General Election
- ELIZABETH I 1558 - 1603
- THE TUDORS 1485 - 1558
- THE TUDORS 1485 - 1558
- THE TUDORS 1485 - 1558
- THE TUDORS 1485 - 1558
- Income Distribution and Welfare
- Bees
- The expansion of the British Empire in Africa
- Topic 8: Grey Matter
- Topic 7: Run for your life
- Topic 6: Infection, immunity and forensics
- Topic 5: On the Wild Side
- Topic 4: Biodiversity and Natural Resources
- Topic 3: Voice of the Genome
- Topic 2: Genes and Health
- Topic 1: Lifestyle, Health and Risk
- 1920s america
- pluralism and theology OCR 2018
- Social Influence revision notes
- Schizophrenia revision notes
- Psychopathology revision notes
- Memory revision notes
- Hazards revision notes
- Cognition and Development revision notes
- Biopsychology revision notes
- Attachment revision notes
- Approaches revision notes
- Romeo and Juliet key points and themes
- Biological & Psychological explanantions
- About Brecht
- Relationships AQA Psychology AO1 and AO3
- Urban Planning in Mumbai
- Urban Planning in Mumbai
- A2 Psychology Paper 3: Gender Powerpoint
- A2 Psychology Paper 3: Gender Powerpoint
- A2 Psychology Paper 2: Schizophrenia Powerpoint
- A2 Psychology Paper 2: Schizophrenia Powerpoint
- A2 Psychology Paper 2: Schizophrenia Powerpoint
- A2 Psychology Paper 2: Schizophrenia Powerpoint
- Augustine's teaching on human nature OCR Christianity
- Hamlet AO1 AO5
- Hamlet Exam Preparation
- India's road to independence
- A2 Psychology Paper 2: Forensics Powerpoint
- A2 Psychology Paper 2: Biopsychology Powerpoint
- A2 Psychology Paper 2: Approaches Powerpoint
- A2 Psychology Paper 1: Memory Powerpoint
- A2 Psychology Paper 1: Psychopathology Powerpoint
- A2 Psychology Paper 1: Social Influence Powerpoint
- A2 Psychology Paper 1: Attachment Powerpoint
- Schizophrenia quiz
- Addiction quiz
- Issues and debates psychology quiz
- Gender quiz
- Biopsychology quiz
- La Nouvelle Vague
- Weimar and Nazi Germany up to Hitler in power
- Schizophrenia powerpoint
- British Politics AS
- PAPER 1/AS AQA Psychology Attachment
- British America timeline powerpoint
- Elizabethan England Individuals
- Elizabethan England Individuals
- Criminal Psychology
- Criminal Psychology
- Language and Age theorists
- In search of the American Dream powerpoint
- AQA History Paper 1 Revision 1890 -1945
- AQA History Paper 1 Revision 1890 -1945
- the odyssey powerpoint
- In-depth study: Gilded Age
- Medicine through time timeline (powerpoint)
- English Language Paper 1 Revision AQA 9-1
- Revision summary on all 8 set works!!
- Paper 1 revision notes
- AQA Geography - Paper 2 Unit 2 - Bristol
- The Provisional Government: To what extent did opposition from national minorities lead to the fall of the Provisional Government?
- The Provisional Government: How far was the First World War responsible for the fall of the Provisional Government?
- Crime and Punishment 1000 - Present day
- The Provisional Government: Why is the Provisional Government often viewed as reluctant to carry out reforms?
- The Provisional Government: To what extent was the Provisional Government doomed to fail from the start?
- Prime Minster and Cabinet
- Prime Minster and Cabinet
- Constitution
- Secrecy and Hypocrisy in Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
- Parliament
- Topic 4 Revision- Natural Selection and Genetic Modification
- Whole Cold War Course
- 20th century perspectives on religious language notes 2018 OCR
- OCR AS Religious studies 2018 - Ethics: All of AS + A2
- Revision Powerpoint
- Revision Powerpoint
- tectonic hazards edexcel 2018
- globalisation notes edexcel 2018
- Khrushchev in power 1956-1964: 'Courageous failure'- how valid is this assessment of Khrushchev's policy towards minorities, satellite states and Asia?
- Khrushchev in power 1956-1964: How effectively did Khrushchev deal with the challenges posed by the Cold War?
- Khrushchev in power 1956-1964: How far did de-Stalinisation represent a genuine break from the past?
- Khrushchev in power 1956-1964: To what extent were the economic and social reforms made by Khrushchev a failure?
- migration, identity and sovereignty edexcel geography 2018
- the carbon cycle edexcel geography 2018
- Medicine through time
- Early Elizabeth England
- Crime and Deviance notes
- USA Topic 2- civil rights
- Adaptations of plants
- Classifying organisms
- Classification
- Cold desert Case study: antarctica
- Cold desert Case study: antarctica
- Regeneration edexcel geography 2018
- Who Killed Who- The Duchess of Malfi
- coasts notes edexcel geography 2018
- Child Language Acquisition - terminology and theorists
- superpowers edexcel geography 2018
- The water/hydrological cycle edexcel geography 2018
- Families and Households Family Policy
- Families and Households Perspectives of the Family
- Families and Households Family Diversity
- Families and Households Demography
- Families and Households Couples
- Families and Households Childhood
- Jekyll and Hyde Context
- Macbeth Context
- Joint Movements, Articulating Bones and Agonistic Pairs
- DNA for Pokemon fans
- Pressure Groups
- Democracy and Political Participation
- islam - muslim beliefs
- christianity - living the christian life
- christianity - matters of life and death
- Social Influence Powerpoint
- Topics E & F Theme 2 Bernard Hoose's Proportionalism
- Topics D & F - John Finnis' Natural Law
- Topics A & B & C - Natural Law
- Shanty Town Case Study
- Weimar Culture: Dance and Cabaret
- Tectonic Hazards Case Studies
- WW1 Generals
- Infection and Respnse
- Core Maths AS Exam topic checklist 2018
- Islam - crime and punishment
- Christianity - Marriage and Family
- worship and prayer
- Magnetism for Pokemon fans
- all of the exam
- ACCN3 revision notes PowerPoint
- Law Chapter 9 - Rights and Responsibilities
- Law Chapter 6 - The Law of Tort
- Law Chapter 5 - Sources of English Law
- Law Chapter 4 - People in the Law
- Law Chapter 2 - Criminal Courts and Processes
- Law Chapter 3 - Criminal Courts and Processes
- whole power point of social influence
- Childhood
- Key Studies and Theories for Paper 1
- Plots in Elizabethan England 1571 - 86
- Druids Flashcards
- Boudica's Rebellion Flashcards
- Aneid Flashcards
- Mass media powerpoint
- Social inequality Powerpoint
- Enzymes
- Cambridge Technicals, Unit 3, Health, safety and security.
- Edexcel Religious Studies B Short Course Revision
- Chapter 9: Rights and Responsibilities
- Chapter 6: Law of Tort
- Forensic powerpoint
- AQA AS Psychology 2018 - Biopsychology
- AQA AS Psychology 2018 - Psychopathology
- AQA AS Psychology 2018 - Memory
- AQA AS Psychology 2018 - Memory
- AQA AS Psychology 2018 - Memory
- AQA AS Psychology 2018 - Attachment
- AQA AS Psychology 2018 - Attachment
- Topic 7 - Childhood
- Topic 6 - Family and Social Policy
- Topic 5 - Family Diversity
- Topic 4 - Changing Family Patterns
- Topic 3 - Demography
- Topic 2 - Domestic Violence
- Topic 1 - Theories of Family and Couples
- Global Circulation System
- Social Influence
- Terminology Powerpoint
- Terminology Powerpoint
- Terminology Powerpoint
- La Polynésie française - un pays francophone
- AQA AS Psychology 2018 - Social influence
- OCR AS Religious studies 2018 - Philosophy: Ancient philosophical influences
- the Aeneid set text translation and analysis (2018/19)
- halogens and group 7
- Circulatory System - Blood Vessels
- Capacitance
- Genetics and inheritance for Pokemon fans.
- History: Medicine through time
- War Photographer
- Disease and the immune system
- 3.1 In The Beginning
- Natural selection for Pokemon fans.
- Power and Conflict Quotes, Form and Context
- Power and Conflict Quotes, Form and Context
- Internationalist approach SZ
- Internationalist approach SZ
- Lesson on Energy Forms-Base
- AQA Geography Coasts Revision ON EVERYTHING
- Spanish powerpoint
- Kamikaze by Beatrice Garland
- Poppies by Jane Weir Analysis
- Chapter Summaries
- Chapter Summaries
- Gender
- OCR A2 Religious studies 2018 - Ethics: Conscience
- Observation Methods
- Sample Methods
- Experiments
- Criminal Practical Investigation
- Characteristics of the Defendant
- Experiments
- Designs
- Crime and Punishment Revision notes
- UK Major Rivers, Upland/Lowland areas & Cities
- UK Major Rivers, Upland/Lowland areas & Cities
- Transport in plants, OCR
- Characteristics of the Defendant
- Characteristics of the Defendant
- Rodolpho and Catherine's relationship
- A Christmas Carol
- the munich putsch
- Tony Blair - Domestic Policies
- Misleading Information
- Synaptic Transmissions Process
- Snaith// Jekyll and Hyde Social Context
- Snaith// A wife in London
- Snaith // Valentine Analysis
- Snaith // Setting in Jekyll & Hyde
- Snaith//As Imperceptibly As Grief
- Biopsychology
- Biopsychology
- Biopsychology
- Beliefs in Society PowerPoint
- snaith//Links within Jekyll and Hyde
- Snaith// Jekyll and Hyde theme quotes
- Snaith//Romeo and Juliet exam question
- Romeo and Juliet speech
- Snaith // An Inspector Calls - Social & Political Context
- Snaith // Mametz Wood Presentation
- TSS Snaith // An Inspector Calls Themes
- yo soy
- Translators and facilities of languages
- bags for life moodboard
- Bougainvillea
- P4 - Atomic Structure - Revision Questions
- Marxist perspective on the family
- Marxist perspective on the family
- George Orwell
- Animal Farm research
- NEW AQA Unit 5 Physics
- Inspector Calls Context
- Snaith // Hawk Roosting Analysis
- Love and Relationships Anthology - Key Quotes - Family Relationships
- Love and Relationships
- Evidence for Evolution Comparative Anatomy
- Devolution Within The UK
- Devolution Within The UK
- Key Quotes + Subtle analysis of Lord of the Flies.
- Holderness Coast Case Study
- Romeo and Juliet
- Topic 1 Families and Households Revision
- Computational thinking, algorithms, programming
- Unit 1 Case Studies
- test
- Cell Organelles: Structure and Fuctions
- Cell Division: Meiosis
- Proteins
- Lipids
- Carbohydrates
- Memory Summary Powerpoint
- Breakeven & Breakeven Charts
- AQA English Language Question 1
- AQA English Language Question 1
- AQA English Language Question 1
- Memory Summary
- Humanistic Approach
- Psychopathology
- Schizophrenia
- Forensic Psychology
- Memory notes
- Attachment notes
- Social Influence notes
- Equity theory PP By Georgia!
- Attachment quiz
- Romeo and Juliet- Character Key Quotes and Analysis
- EPQ example presentation
- Enron Staging Quotations
- Enron Staging Quotations
- Enron Quotations
- C2 Structure and Bonding
- OCR Psychology UNIT 2 - Perception
- OCR Psychology UNIT 2 - Criminal Behaviour
- Psychosexual stages of development
- Modernism
- Poetry of the Decade Revision
- Larkin and Duffy Context comparison
- Russia Powerpoint
- The Wars of the Roses PowerPoint
- Biopsychology
- Psychopathology
- Attachment
- Social Influence
- Memory
- tsunamis case study
- New Zealand earthquake case study
- Nepal earthquake case study
- Montserrat case study
- fold mountain case study - the Alps
- uk water storage case study-kielder water(lake district)
- Bangladesh floods case study
- Maldives case study
- keyhaven marshes case study
- happisburgh case study
- barton-on-sea cliff collapse case study
- yachana ecolodge case study
- blackpool case study
- extreme tourism case study antarcitica
- kenya tropical mass tourism
- France pro-natalist policy
- ageing population uk
- china's one child policy
- london docklands case study
- curitiba case study
- Philosophy of Religion
- Philosophy of Religion
- GCSE Maths Powerpoint 2
- GCSE Maths Powerpoint 1
- Psychology Revision Powerpoint
- The Reform Party
- National Rifle Association
- English Language Paper 1 Revision guide 9-1
- English Language Paper 1 Revision Guide Edexcel 9-1
- English Language paper 1 edexcel new 9-1:revision guide.
- Edexcel: English Language - Paper 1 (9-1)
- Edexcel English language paper 1. fiction and imaginative writing 9-1
- Edexcel English Language Paper 1: revision guide 9-1
- Edexcel English language paper 1. fiction and imaginative writing 9-1
- Edexcel English language paper 1. fiction and imaginative writing 9-1
- Religion and Human experience
- Specialised Training (Chapter 5) Powerpoint
- Chapter 11 Biodiversity
- OCR Germany Revision
- Market Failure
- Missing Markets and Imperfect Market Information
- The Price Mechanism
- Communicable diseases and transmission
- Key Approaches - Summary of Approaches and Comparisons
- Consequences of Rapid Economic Growth in China
- CASE STUDY of a NIC - China
- The Globalisation of Services
- The Shifting Location of TNCs
- GCSE Music OCR Powerpoint Everything Included
- Causes of Globalisation
- Types of Globalisation
- CASE STUDY: Texas Instruments - Globalisation
- Inorganic ions
- Biological Molecules
- Biological molecules PP
- Fluvio-glacial Erosion Landforms
- Glacial Erosion and Weathering Processes
- Glacier Movement
- Glacier Systems and Thermal Characteristics
- Climate of Glacial Environments
- Mass Movement Case Study
- Glacial Advance/Surge Case Study
- Jokulhlaups (Glacial Outburst Floods) and Case Studies
- Pole-ward shift of the Permafrost Limit - Opportunities and Limitations for Human Activity
- Northern Ireland changing relationships
- Changing relationships of Northern Ireland
- OCR Computing Notes // Utility / Custom - Open Source / OS etc
- OCR Computing Notes // Programming / IDE / Variable etc
- OCR Computing Notes // Databases / DBMS
- OCR Computing Notes // Binary / Denary / ASCII etc
- OCR Computing Notes // Systems / Networks / Internet
- OCR Computing Notes // Hardware
- Periglacial Landforms
- Periglacial Processes
- Fluvio-Glacial Landforms
- Glacial Erosion Landforms
- Glacial Deposition Landforms
- Tourism-The Multiplier Effect and the Development Gap
- Psychology as a Science - Popper and Kuhn
- Biochemical tests
- Ainsworth's Strange Situation
- Gas exchange
- Winter Swans
- When we two parted
- Walking away
- The Farmers Bride
- Sonnet 29- i think of thee
- Sonnet 29- i think of thee
- Singh Song
- Neutral tones
- Mothers any distance
- Loves philosophy
- Letters from yorkshire
- Follower
- Follower
- Eden Rock
- Climbing my Grandfather
- Before you were mine analysis
- Ethical Studies revision- Situation ethics & Euthanasia
- My house vocabulary
- Life as a challenge revision powerpoint
- All AS Edexcel Business
- AQA RS UNIT 3 - Matters of life, Drugs, Crime and World Poverty
- Jekyll and Hyde revision powerpoint
- Sociology - Childhood in Families and Households
- Core Studies 2017 Spec
- Much ado about nothing - Themes and key quotes
- Geography Physical Revision
- Jekyll and Hyde 50+ Quotes with Annotations
- How to structure answers
- Travel and Airport Revision
- Research Methods quiz
- Psychopathology quiz
- Memory quiz
- Psychology approaches quiz
- Social Influece Quiz
- Mot à Mot vocab: Chapter 20: Le patrimoine
- Mot à Mot vocab: Chapter 3: Les jeunes et leurs loisirs
- Mot à Mot vocab: Chapter 2: La vie de tous les jours
- Mot à Mot vocab Chapter 1: Comment dirais-je?
- 4.2.2 Haloalkanes
- 5.1.1 Rates of Reaction
- 3.1.1 Periodicity
- Motor Skills, Centile Charts Revision
- Milestones revision
- Religious Studies - Religion and Life Issues
- Biology Unit 1 - AQA - GCSE
- Everything you need to know for AS LAW unit 1 exam - autumn
- Natural Law Summary Sheets - Everything you need for Natural Law
- Humanistic Approach
- Biological Approach
- Biological Approach
- Behaviourist Approach
- Cognitive Approach
- 1.4 Networks PowerPoint
- An inspector calls key quotes for every character
- US Political Parties
- the basics of Drugs
- Elite Performer (Chapter 4) Powerpoint
- Waste Management
- Smog and Photochemical Smog
- Anticyclones
- Civil Courts and Appeal System
- Brain Scanning Techniques
- The Psychodynamic Approach
- specialised cell
- 6.2.4 Organic Synthesis
- Crime and Deviance powerpoint
- Russia in Revolution Postcards
- Microeconomics - Topic 1
- Biopsychology: The Nervous System and Endocrine System
- AQA AS Mechanics, materials and waves
- Language Change Over Time (Section A) Revision
- Organelles
- Physical Geography Full Notes
- The Life Cycle OF A Star
- Christmas Spirit in ACC
- Social Influence Revision PowerPoint
- Religion and Equality
- P1 - The Solar System
- P1 - The Changing Earth
- P1 - Continental Drift
- P1 - Beyond the Solar System
- Muscles (Chapter 3) Powerpoint
- Anaerobic Energy Systems (Chapter 2) Powerpoint
- Aerobic Energy Systems (Chapter 1) Powerpoint
- Electromagnetic waves poster
- Physics Unit 2
- California Drought Case Study
- key revision notes
- Eden Rock Charles Causely
- Crime and Deviance: Nestle
- 2.2.2 Shapes and Intermolecular Forces
- 2.2.2 Bonding
- Module 2 Biology A OCR
- The Limestone Cycle
- Cell Structures
- Parliament key words and concepts
- The move towards independence + 1st and 2nd continental congresses
- Democracy and Political Participation with recent Examples
- The Multi-Store Model of Memory
- The Multi-Store Model of Memory
- Burgers replication of Milgram
- Physics Topic One Revision Notes
- The debate over poverty (Booth, Rowntree and Galt) and national efficiency
- Language & Technology key terms and relevent theories PowerPoint
- Language and Gender Key Terms and Theories PowerPoint
- GCSE PE revision unit 4
- GCSE PE revision unit 3
- Socially sensitive research in psychology - linked to the classic studies
- The Whole of Research Methods
- PhoneSlides - create revision materials to view on your smartphone
- Bam and Christchurch Earthquake Examples (fact file)
- Health in Britain and some laws mid 1800s and beginning 1900s
- Carol Ann Duffy and Philip Larkin Critic Quote Bank
- Prehistoric Medicine Information
- P4 Physics Key Revision Notes
- B4 Biology Key Revision Notes
- Hamlet Critics Quotes
- Critics Quotes for A Streetcar Named Desire
- Edexcel A Level Psychology - Social - Obedience & Prejudice & Key Question
- Cell Organelles
- Cells and the Immune System
- AS Biology: Biological Molecules
- Exploring Approaches to Psychology - Humanistic
- Exploring Approaches to Psychology - Humanistic
- Vlad the Impaler powerpoint
- Plane Stupid
- Othello and Poetry Exam Information/Revision
- Socio-cultural explanation for anorexia
- Token economy programmes as treatment for anorexia
- Language Techniques
- Gas Exchange
- Geography AQA A Unit 1 Restless Earth Case Studies
- Liverpool FC
- Schizophrenia introduction and symptoms A01
- S
- Business Studies Revision Guide
- Business Ownership (2 Lessons)
- Medicine through time - Entire topic on flashcards
- B1.1 Healthy Living and Diseases
- AQA GCSE Geography A Rocks Resources and Scenery Complete Notes
- revision guide participation and voting behaviour
- Duchess of Malfi Critics Quote Bank
- 9 Rules of Circle Theorem
- 4.1.2 Alkanes
- S1-Probability
- Poetry revision sheet
- Genetic explanation for anorexia nervosa
- Topic 1B - DNA, RNA, Water and Inorganic Ions
- Atoms, Ions and Compounds, Formulae and Equations
- 6.2.1 Amines
- Researching social life
- Policies for education part 1
- Policies part 2
- Research Methods Possible Questions
- Marxism and education
- GCSE Maths Edexcel - Chapter 1: Calculations 1
- Functionalism and education
- Social causation hypothesis (non-biological theory for schizophrenia)
- Drug treatments for schizophrenia
- Brain structure as a biological explanation for schizophrenia
- Stanislavski Presentation
- Alkali Metals & properties
- Spain retirement migration Revision- AS geography
- Germany 1919-1943 powerpoint
- OCR Twenty First Century C4 Revision - Higher
- Marxist Views on the Family
- Equatorial Climate
- Volcano Case Study: Montserrat
- FLASH CARDS: Key people during the English Reformation.
- Developing Exam Skills
- Carboxylic Acids and Their Derivatives
- Hormonal Communication
- Aristotle and Plato views on the Soul
- Raine et al 1997
- The Alphabet Agencies: Simple
- The Alphabet Agencies: Simple
- Economic Policy Post-Stalin
- Social Policy Post-Stalin
- Theories of romantic relationships: Duck's phase model
- 5.1.1 Communication and Homeostasis
- Energy transfers AQA A2 Biology PART 1 of 4 TOPICS: Photosynthesis
- Energy transfers and ecosystems AQA A2 Biology PART 3 of 4 TOPICS: Energy and ecosystems
- Energy transfers AQA A2 Biology PART 2 of 4 TOPICS: Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration
- Energy transfers AQA A2 Biology PART 4 of 4 TOPICS: Nutrient Cycles
- Biological Explanations of Aggression
- Jury Decision Making
- Control of blood glucose
- Hormone treatments for aggression
- Practical Questions-Generic Answers- AQA 2015 Spec
- AQA AS Biology Notes- All Topics 2015 spec
- Measurement and Units
- P3 revision powerpoint
- P2 revision powerpoint
- P1 revision powerpoint
- C1 revision powerpoint
- C3 revision powerpoint
- C2 revision powerpoint
- B1 revision powerpoint
- B3 revision powerpoint
- B2 revision powerpoint
- Philosophy revision powerpoint
- the American West revision powerpoint
- transformation of surgery revision powerpoint
- Medicine through time revision powerpoint
- The woman in black revision powerpoint
- The Withered Arm and other Wessex tales revision powerpoint
- Romeo and Juliet revision powerpoint
- of mice and men revision powerpoint
- Cell division, cell diversity and cellular organisation notes
- basic components of living systems notes
- Topic 2 – Interactionism & Labeling
- Topic one - Functionalists strain and subcultures
- Benzene and Phenol
- Carbonyls- Aldehydes and Ketones
- AQA GCSE Physics P1a 2. Using Energy
- AQA GCSE Biology B1a 1. Co-Ordination and Control
- Photosynthesis
- Ecosystems
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- Resource no longer avaliable
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- Resource no longer avaliable
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- Resource no longer avaliable
- PowerPoint on China
- Chemistry C1,C2,C3 Quiz OCR 21st Century
- GCSE AQA Chemistry Unit 1
- GCSE Unit 2 Biology Full Notes
- GCSE Unit 1 Biology Full notes
- specialised cells
- animal, plant, prokaryotic and Eukaryota cells
- P1 Energy for the Home
- Different theories of crime, deviance, social order and social control – functionalism
- Crime and Deviance AQA Sociology
- Physics Revision
- Childcare learning through play powerpoint/different forms of play
- Coastal Management
- Anomalistic Psychology Powerpoint
- Depression powerpoint
- Statistical Analysis Powerpoint
- Cognitive Interview Powerpoint
- B5- The Blood
- Jamaica case study
- Biology Revision
- Topic VIII: Sociology And Social Policy
- TNCs
- Working with ICT - WJEC - A2 ICT
- Technology
- Inequalities within the UK
- North/South divide in the UK
- What is development?
- Managing water
- Globalisation
- Economic developmment models
- Biology 3
- Key events from 1920s USA
- After a Guilty Verdict G543
- Turning to Crime G543
- Dysfunctional Behaviour G543
- Disorders G543
- The Legislature of the UK (COMPLETE)
- Science- Chemistry powerpoint
- Crime and Deviance
- P2 Radioactivity
- Edexcel, Unit 3 Case Studies (Biodiversity,Water & Energy)
- Computing Network and Software Revision
- Key events from the Cold War
- H
- OCR C2 Revision - Metals and Alloys
- Law 03- Problems and Reforms
- Human geography revision quiz game
- Cold War timeline
- Biodiversity Under Threat Case Studies
- Aggression Revision
- Cold War leaders with dates
- Heroes Character and Themes Analysis
- An Inspector Calls Detailed Analysis
- Earth Hazards
- Population and resources
- Atheism And Critiques Of Religious Belief
- Medicine Through Time powerpoint
- Medicine through time PowerPoint
- Sociology Basics Keywords
- Perception complete revision slides
- Aggression complete revision slides
- Cognition & Development complete revision slides
- Attachment Psychology
- Year 1 and AS Complete Revision PowerPoint
- Law 04- Concepts of Law Plans
- Sociology- Power- Key Political Movements Time line froM AQA text book.
- AQA Geography Case Study Summaries
- Supernatural events in The Erl King and The Lady of the House of Love QUOTES
- Physics notes for unit 1 AQA
- Business and people full notes
- Neural System presentation
- WJEC English Literature
- Psychopathology
- The Challenges Of An Urban World
- Extreme Environments ~ Physical Geography
- Particles Revision Summary Page
- Materials Revision Summary Page
- Electromagnegtic Radiation and Quantum Phenomena Topic Revision Summary Page
- Electricity Topic Revision Summary Page
- B1,B2,B3 revision powerpoint OCR
- Biological Molecules (and their tests)
- Coastal Environment - Landforms
- Crime and deviance notes
- Cold Environments revision powerpoint
- Topic IX: Punishment
- Topic IX: Crime Prevention & Control
- Prelude & Fugue in A - Shostakovich
- Procheska's Stages of Change Model
- P1 - Communicating with Light
- P1 - Heat Radiation
- Doncaster - age, gender and wealth
- Coasts: Whole Spec PP
- Deontology
- Reducing The Effects Of Volcanic Eruptions
- Living With Tectonic Hazards - Is It Worth The Risk?
- Rivers And Flood Management - Revision Notes
- Pride & Prejudice Character Notes
- Germany 1919- 1945 Timeline: History OCR
- B1 Topic 3
- B1 Topic Two
- B1 Topic One
- Physics Gcse Unit 1 AQA
- B1 - Neurones and Reflexes
- Peter Donovan Implications
- Peter Donovan Overview
- The Chimney Sweep Innocence
- Sick Rose
- Topic VI: Organisations & movements
- Improved Security
- Help me revise water on the land
- Help me revise population
- Quick Revision
- Working memory
- Competing Belief Systems Ideology (8)
- An Inspector Calls Notes
- Religion & Social Change (7)
- Postmodernist (6)
- Feminist (5)
- Marxist (4)
- Functionalist (3)
- Religon & Social Groups (2)
- Sects, Cults, NRM's, New Ageism
- Barthes Theory of codes
- AS Media Theories
- Coastal Erosion
- Key Facts for Liberal and Welfare Reforms
- Key Facts for Economic and Social Changes
- Key Facts for the Western Front
- Facts for Britain and the Home Front
- Facts for Britain and the Home Front
- Teenage Pregnancy - Promoting Good Health
- The Race Relations Act 2000 - Promoting Quality Care
- Socialism Key Thinkers
- Developing ICT Solutions INFO3
- Realist theories revision notes
- Realist theories revision notes
- 3.1 Re Revision
- Re Unit 3 Keywords
- Re Revision
- Marxist theories revision notes
- Labelling theory revision notes
- Functionalist, strain and subcultural theories
- Formula Quiz: Test your knowledge of functional groups!
- C3.5 Analysis and Synthesis
- Conflict Cluster: Themes of each poems.
- Othello - Desdeomna character and analysis
- Votes for Women
- Prevention of Deliberate Crimes or Misuse
- Raine et al (1997) Classic Study
- B2 - Cells and Diffusion
- Additional Science (C2) - Structure and Bonding Revison
- The Heart
- The Cardiac Cycle
- Jean Baptiste Colbert
- C1 Revision Summary
- Discovering Chemistry: Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
- Topic III: Secularisation (part 1)
- Topic III: Secularisation (part 2)
- Topic V: Religion in a global context
- Topic X: Suicide
- Topic VIII: Globalisation and crime
- Topic VII: Crime and the media
- Topic IV: Religion, renewal and choice
- Topic III: Secularisation (part 3)
- VItamins & Minerals B2
- Enzymes B2
- Biology 2 Additional
- Atoms , Isotopes , Ionic compounds and Alkali Metals
- Calculations in C5
- Required knowledge: People In the Law
- Required knowledge: Sources of English Law
- F212 - Biodiversity
- F212 - Food and Health
- F212 - Biological molecules
- The Vietnam War
- Employment Legislation
- C3-Chemicals in our lives
- Qué importancia tienen los modelos de rol
- Cell Structure - Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes
- Rivers: Whole Spec Explained
- A911 Understanding personal development and relationships revision
- Christian Responses to Global Issues - Topic 6 // UNIT 4
- Christian Healing - Topic 5
- Reconciliation - Topic 4 // Unit 4
- Vocation - Topic 3 // UNIT 4
- Marriage - Topic 2 // UNIT 4
- Christian Values - Topic 1 // UNIT 4
- Christian Values - Topic 1 // UNIT 4
- Discipleship - Topic 6 // UNIT 5
- Jesus' Relationships with Others - Topic 5 // UNIT 5
- The Person of Jesus - Topic 4 // UNIT 5
- Jesus' Suffering, Death and Resurrection - Topic 3 // UNIT 5
- Jesus' Ministry - Topic 2 // UNIT 5
- Background to Marks Gospel - Topic 1 // UNIT 5
- DNA vs mRNA vs tRNA
- B3: New genes for old
- The Origins of the Cold War 1945-1949
- EU
- Employment Legislation
- Cost Minimisation
- Business Structure
- Business and the Economic Environment
- Aims and Objectives
- B3; Growth and Development
- Other religious views: Judaism/ Hinduism/ Islam
- The Carbon/Nitrogen Cycle
- Complete Diagrams for Module F583
- Malthus/Boserup
- Oil extraction
- MDG's
- Jarawa tribe
- Make poverty history
- Defining poverty
- Malawi as a HIPC
- Curitiba
- Curituiba
- Child and Pensioner poverty in the UK
- Causes of poverty
- Basic Human Needs
- The Aral sea
- Themes from An Inspector Calls
- Memory
- C1 Posters - Complete Revision
- The Post Stalin Thaw
- The Catalytic Properties of Transition Metals
- Token Economy Programmes
- Over 200 Geography Revision Cards
- Case Studies for Water Conflicts
- Technological Fix
- Bridging the Development Gap
- Biodiversity Under Threat
- Energy Security
- Water Conflicts
- Was Germany responsible for the outbreak of ww1? - Possible Intepretations
- Recycle,Polymers and Sustainability ppt
- The complete C3 course
- Louis XIV: Foreign Policy
- State Crime
- The End of the Cold War
- Case Studies for Biodiversity Under Threat
- Occupiers' Liability
- Green Crime
- Christian Ethics GCSE Complete Revision
- Energy
- An Inspector Calls - Quotation Hunt
- Of Mice and Men - Quotation Hunt
- Transformation of Surgery (Edexcel)
- Luke's Gospel- Religious and Political Background
- Binary Arithmetic
- Processor Architectures
- flame test
- Louis XIII: Foreign Policy
- Royal Absolutism: Louis XIII (Updated)
- Virtue Ethics
- A2 Textiles
- Britain in WW1
- biology summary topic 1
- Crime and Deviance Interactive Presentation
- Atomic Structure GCSE revision
- Criminal Behaviour and Perception Notes
- Outline of the Cold War
- Religious Experience
- Diet and Metabolic Rate
- Restless Earth
- B1: Understanding Organisms
- chemistry core revision cards
- chemistry core revision cards
- Islam - 6 Articles of Faith
- Nationalism In Practice (ppt)
- Summary notes for bonding
- Language and Gender Full Notes
- Beliefs in Society Revision Notes
- Sino Soviet Relations
- AQA C1.1 atoms
- Religion And Social Groups: Ethnicity & Age
- Medical Physics PowerPoint
- GCSE PE Revision Unit 2
- Topic VII: Ideology And Science
- Religion And Social Groups: Gender
- Topic VI: Ethnicity, Crime & Justice
- Powerpoint on Parties, Elections and Referendums in the UK
- Topic IV: Realist Theories
- Chemistry as Module 2 2016 spec
- Media Theorists
- OCR module 2 2016 spec
- AQA C1.5 Ethanol revision
- Royal Absolutism: Louis XIII
- Ecosystems Revision Powerpoint
- Psychology AQA B Social Development Revision Powerpoint
- Unit 3
- World Cities Notes and Case Studies
- Tourism Powerpoint
- Religious Experience: Conversion
- Topic V: Gender, Crime & Justice
- Christian Ethics
- Natural Moral Law
- Critiques Of Religion And Morality
- Causes of the Cold War
- Topic II: Religion And Social Change
- Topic I: Theories of religion
- Topic III: Marxism Theories
- Topic II: Labelling Theory
- Left realist explanations of crime
- Religious Language
- Moles II
- Moles I
- Electron Structure
- Atomic Structure
- Groups I and II
- Topic IV: Left and Right realism
- Brent (Inner City Deprivation)
- Christchurch 2011 Earthquake Case Study
- Topic I: Theories of crime, Functionalist, Strain and Subcultural theories
- Rewards for working
- Asexual Reproduction ppt
- Risk Of Developing CVD
- nature of economics PPF
- Christian Quotes for RE
- OCR 21st Century C4 revision summary powerpoint
- Transport across membranes
- C2A Topic 1 Revision ppt
- Cambridge English Language Questions and Answers Ppt
- The Multi-Store Model of Memory
- youth culture presentation
- GCSE PE revision unit 1
- GCSE PE revision unit 1
- Water
- Speed
- Vedbaek
- Diffusion and Osmosis and Active Transport
- Enzymes, Cellular Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration and Metabolism
- Cell Physiology, Chemical Components of a Cell, Denaturing and Synthesis and Conversion
- Biochemical food tests
- Dative Covalent Bonding
- Electronegativity
- Cell Specialisation, Tissues and Organs, Practical Work and Tissue Culture.
- Types of microscope
- The Vikings - Powerpoint Presentation
- Medieval Gender & Sexuality - Powerpoint Presentation
- Cell structure- Eukaryotic Animal Cell
- The Euthyphro Dilemma
- GCSE AQA Geography tourism revision powerpoint
- Plant and Animal Cells and Cell Division
- Molecular Shapes
- Missions Aims Objectives
- Changing Recurring Decimals into Fractions
- Rate of Reaction
- The CPU
- Angles - Parallel Lines
- Adjacent Complementary Supplementary Angles
- Cells
- AQA Economics UNIT 4 - The Balance of Payments
- AQA Economics UNIT 4 - Inflation and the Phillip's Curve
- AQA Economics UNIT 4 - Employment and Unemployment
- AQA English Language ENGA3 - Language change notes
- AQA English Language ENGA3 - Language Variation notes
- AQA Economics UNIT 3 - Poverty and the distribution of Income and Wealth
- AQA Economics UNIT 3 - Labour Markets
- AQA Economics UNIT 3 - Cost-Benefit Analysis
- AQA Economics UNIT 3 - Market Failure
- AQA Economics UNIT 3 - Industrial Policy
- AQA Economics UNIT 3 - Growth of Firms
- AQA Economics UNIT 3 - Oligopoly
- AQA Economics UNIT 3 - Evaluating market structures: perfect competition vs. monopoly?
- AQA Economics UNIT 3 - Perfect Competition and Monopoly
- AQA Economics UNIT 3 - Revenue theory and Market Structures
- AQA Economics UNIT 3 - Production and Cost Theory
- ECON4 Edexcel (Full Course)
- Blackmail
- Core & Periphery Model
- The Early Concerto
- Statistics overview
- Bangalore India and the service sector
- WW1 & the Transformation of Society
- Britain and WW1 - What happened?
- Business Economics ECON3 Edexcel (Full Course)
- Sustainability Unit 2 Module 3 Revision
- Gene Technologies Unit 2 Module 2 Revision
- Biotechnology Unit 2 Module 2 Revision
- Cellular Control Unit 2 Module 1 Revision
- Respiration Unit 1 Module 4 Revision
- Photosynthesis Unit 1 Module 3 Revision
- Excretion Unit 1 Module 2 Revision
- Biodiversity + Evolution Unit 2 Module 3 Revision
- Smoking Unit 2 Module 2 Revision
- Disease Unit 2 Module 2 Revision
- Food Unit 2 Module 2 Revision
- Enzymes Unit 2 Module 1 Revision
- Nucleotides + DNA Unit 2 Module 1 Revision
- Biological Molecules Unit 2 Module 1 Revision
- Communication and Homeostasis Unit 1 Module 1 Revision
- Ecosystems Unit 2 Module 3 Revision
- Belief about Deity
- Beliefs about deity
- THE USA 1919-1941
- Critical Path Analysis
- The america west- revision
- Edexcel GCSE Biology B1 Revision
- Edexcel Biology B1 Resources
- WD3 - Perspectives on development Theme
- Physics 1a
- Chemistry 1b
- How and why did the Liberal Government help the poor?
- Notes on The Core Executive - AQA AS Gov and Pol
- Notes on Parliament - AQA AS Gov and Pol
- International Relations - The Cold War Era 1943-1991
- Human Geography case studies
- Completed Criminal Psychology Notes
- Haloalkanes
- The Rise of the Nazis
- Biology Revision B1 AQA- Everything you need to know
- Unit 1 AQA AS Politics Revision Guide
- Equilibria
- Extraction of Metals
- interference theory
- Clive wearing
- Craik and Lockhart
- Bartlett and reconstructive memory
- Long Term Store- activity
- Unit -1 intergrated model concepts
- Alkenes
- Language and power revision notes
- Kinetics
- Chemistry 1a
- Energetics
- Alcohols
- Textiles Revision
- How far did other groups achieve civil rights in America?
- Kerala, India Population Change Summary
- China One-Child Policy summary
- Introduction to Globalisation
- Why save the coast?
- Completed Child Psychology Notes
- Physics 1b
- Government and Politics AS Unit 2 Revision Guide AQA
- Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination
- OCR B Geography - Rivers
- Module B3--Life On Earth
- Module B2--Keeping Healthy
- You and Your Genes---Module B1
- Conjunctions, prepositions, determiners
- Clauses
- Physical Geography case studies
- Physical Geography case studies
- New Right Perspective on Education
- Water
- big pit case study
- The Severn Barrage
- Heavy Metal Pollution as a Result of Mining Activities in the Red River Valley
- St Aidans Extension OCCS and The River Aire Slope Failure 1988
- Hazards Associated with Mining
- Functionalist Perspective on Education
- Coal & Metal Mining
- case study gl3
- Trigonometrical identities/equations C2 revision
- Integration C2 revision
- Differentiation C2 revision
- Graphs of trigonometric functions C2 revision
- Geometric sequences and series C2 revision
- Radian measure and its applications C2 revision
- Binomial Expansion C2 revision
- Algebra and functions C2 revision
- Sine and Cosine rule C2 revision
- AQA Psychology A Stress Powerpoint
- Full AS level revision notes
- Core Beliefs
- Language and gender theorists and models
- F321 Revision Powerpoint 20 Slides
- Nazi Propaganda
- The Sociology of Religion
- Revision PowerPoint for AS Level HSC Exam!
- Logarithms and exponentials C2 revision
- Gender Regimes
- Geography AS Case Study Cards
- Co-ownership Land Law
- Attachment
- C4: Chemical Patterns
- Religion, peace and justice
- volcanic_products
- Volcanoes
- ABSOLUTE DATING (Radioactive dating)
- fossils
- Marks Gospel Topic 3 - Suffering Death & Resurrection
- Marks Gospel Topic 2 - Ministry
- Roman Catholicism Ethics Topic 6 - Christian Responses to Global Issues
- Roman Catholicism Ethics Topic 5 - Christian Healing
- Roman Catholicism Ethics Topic 4 - Christian Reconciliation
- Roman Catholicism Ethics Topic 3 - Christian Vocation
- Roman Catholicism Ethics Topic 2 - Christian Marriage
- Roman Catholicism Ethics Topic 1 - Christian Values
- Marks Gospel Topic 6 - Discipleship
- Marks Gospel Topic 5 - Jesus' Relationships with Others
- Marks Gospel Topic 4 - The Person of Jesus
- Racism In Nazi Germany
- Whole of memory A01&A02
- C1 All you need to know
- plate marign
- plate tectonic movements
- rock cylce
- structures sedimrty
- structer of the earth
- SYNOPTIC 2015 - Threat Matrix to the Arctic
- Completed Social Approach Notes
- Religion and medical ethics
- AQA Psychology Unit 1: Non Verbal Communication
- next to of course god america i Analysis
- The Right Word Analysis
- Belfast Confetti Analysis
- Group 2
- Chemistry 3a
- 'Come On, Come Back' Analysis
- At the Border, 1979 Analysis
- The Falling Leaves Analysis
- Geographical Investigations:Questions+Answers
- Chemistry 3b
- Flag Analysis
- The Yellow Palm Analysis
- Mametz Wood Analysis
- Poppies Analysis
- Hawk Roosting Analysis
- The Charge of the Light Brigade Analysis
- Assess the Legacy of Thatcherism on Modern Politics
- Electrolysis
- Lenin's successor - Trotsky and Stalin
- To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
- The body and health
- Chemistry 3a
- WJEC Geology GL3 content
- The Physical properties of Minerals - GL2A
- Human Relationships
- GCSE Coastal Zone Case Studies
- Sex and gender
- Religion and Equality
- Water
- Important Quotes for 6/12 mark questions
- Trabajo
- Bennett-Levy and Marteau (1984): Fear of animals
- Ramirez Et Al
- Social Learning Theory
- Learning
- Purifying Water C3
- Physics 3a
- Research Methods Unit 2
- Trends in Period 3
- Sources of Finance
- Pricing Strategies
- Web Software
- ABRSM Music Theory Grade 5 Guide/Revision
- Aggression
- Types of Water
- Holiday Camps - Butlins
- Radio History
- Were the peace treaties of 1919-23 fair?
- Personality Factors
- Attachment Powerpoint
- Research Methods Unit 1
- Treating depression
- Popular protest from 1816-17
- Nuclear Physics
- Carmichael Et Al (1932)
- Schizophrenia - Revision ppt.
- Bond angles and Shapes
- separate sciences AQA 2012(B3, P3, C3)
- Marketing 2 (Section 7)
- American foreign policy timeline 1890-1945
- Chemical Analysis and Instrumental Methods
- Temples Overview Microsoft Powerpoint
- Water Quality
- The Haber Process
- Development of Personality
- Social Influence, Obedience and Conformity
- Physics 3b
- Philosophy 1 - The End of Life(Christianity)
- AQA Psychology Unit 1: Memory
- Chemistry 1a
- Ancient Greek influences on religious philosophy | AS Philosophy of Religion (OCR)
- Sex and Gender
- AQA Psychology Unit 1 + 2
- Non-Verbal Communication
- Physics 2b
- Religion, Peace and Justice
- Futility Analysis
- English Language Exam Preparation
- Vitamins and Minerals
- Moral Decisions - What would you do?
- Physics 3a
- KQ3 Environmental Issues In Urban Areas
- KQ3 Environmental Issues In Urban Areas
- KQ3 Environmental Issues In Urban Areas
- Chemistry 2b
- Recruitment and Retention of Staff
- The Lymphatic System
- Definitions of Abnormality AQA B
- The Treaty of Versailles
- To what extent was the League of Nations a success?
- Area of Study 1- Prelude no.14
- People you need to remember for the exam
- Fiscal Policy
- Development of Personality
- Approaches to Psychopathology (abnormalities)
- Energetics Notes (progress test)
- The circulatory system and water
- Sociology unit 2 (Minus Mass Media)
- Sociology unit 1
- Universal Physics
- C3 Revision on the early periodic table
- EDEXCEL GCSE Science CHEMISTRY UNIT 1 C1 Chemistry in our world
- Strange Situation Procedure
- Strange Situation Procedure
- Colbert and Louis XIV
- Energy
- Factors that Influence Location
- Chemistry 2a
- Non-verbal Communication
- The Periodic Table
- Notes on Memory unit 2
- Attachment notes unit 2
- Development Indicators
- P2 A
- Down's Syndrome
- Memory
- How and why the Liberal government helped the poor
- Area of Study 1 - Brief notes
- Woods and plactics - revision
- Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
- Concepts of Physical Activity
- Biological Approaches of Aggression
- Solifluction
- Area 1002 Alaska Pipeline Development Arguments
- Outwash Plains
- Pevensey Bay SMP
- Barking Town Square Development
- Village Development - Butler Model
- Eukaryotic cell structure
- Public Schools through the 19th Century
- Convection, conduction, evaporation and infrared radiation
- PSYA1 - MSM Notes
- Research Methods AQA Sociology
- All 3 topics - useful slides
- Activation Syntheis Theory of dreaming
- Divorce - Changing Family Patterns
- Memory Key Studies
- Impacts of WWI on Germany
- Biological theory of aggression
- Case Studies
- Urban Environments Revision
- Backup & Recovery
- Explanations of Institutional aggression
- Parliamentary Law-Making Revision
- Social learning theory and Deindividuation.
- (AQA) Isomerism PowerPoint
- ecological conservation areas
- Audience theories
- Japan 2010 Floods AS Level Case Study
- Vaccinations
- Utilitarianism
- Reliability and Validity
- The manipulation of education in Nazi Germany
- Resistance from the Church in Nazi Germany
- The use of Terror in Nazi Germany
- Was there a Mid-Tudor Crisis?
- Hard Determinism Summary
- Falsification Principle Summary
- Verification Principle Summary
- Henry VIII timeline 1509-1540
- Cell revision.
- Is the parade the most important aspect of the Funeral Games for Anchises in Book V?
- sampling ppt
- Research Methods - Experiments
- Research Methods - Experiments
- Evaluation of Diminished Responsibility
- Area 4 - Sports and Leisure Lesson PowerPoint
- Anxiety effect on EWT
- B2 Biology revision powerpoint
- Membrane transport
- Latin Grammar Declensions
- 9.1 Sensory Reception
- Portraiture
- Household Electricity
- Radioactivity
- Heat Transfer
- Human Geography Case Studies Powerpoint
- New Food Developments
- Additives
- Raising Agents
- Energy changes powerpoint
- Electrolysis powerpoint
- Crude Oil and Fuels Powerpoint
- Ammonia and the haber process
- Ryanair PESTLE & SWOT Analysis
- Religion, Philosophy and Science (AS AQA)
- Business cycle
- Niche Markets - Theme Park Holidays
- Gibson's theory of perception
- Tourism Revision
- Gregory's theory of perception
- 6.3 The Nitrogen Cycle
- Data and Disease Example Question
- Issues, Debates and Approaches Powerpoint
- Interventions for Addiction - Powerpoint
- Relationships - Summaries
- Relationships - Summaries
- Interventions for Addiction - Powerpoint
- Learning approach psychology complete notes
- AS biological appraoch psychology complete notes
- AS cognative psychology complete revision notes
- Social psychology complete notes
- Issues, Debates and Approaches Powerpoint
- Reconstructive Memory (Bartlett) 1932
- behaviourist approach
- A2 Biology F215 Responding to the Environment - Behaviour OCR
- A2 Biology F215 Ecology OCR
- Irwin's References
- Genome Sequencing (Based on A2 OCR BOOK)
- Blood Glucose Concentration (based on A2 OCR Book)
- Blood Glucose Concentration (based on A2 OCR Book)
- Lamination
- Genetic Engineering In Wood Production
- Marketing, Distibution and Retail
- Production Control
- Flexible Manufacturing Systems
- Production Scheduling and Production Logisitcs
- Automated Stock Control - JIT
- Electronic Information Handling
- Electronic Communications
- English Language Revision
- B2 Revision
- P1 Revision
- C1 Revision
- B1 Revision
- sasas
- Female crime
- Biology AQA Unit 5 Revision Notes
- Behaviour and Fight or Flight revision
- 2014 Dalian Mandarin Summer Camp
- Market Research presentation
- China Notes & Examples.
- DSM - Evaluation in terms of Validity and Reliability
- Blattler et al (2002) A2 Psychology
- B7 OCR 21st Century Science Printable Revision cards
- B7 OCR 21st Century Science Printable Revision cards
- Decision Unit 1 (AQA Specific) WHOLE OF UNIT revision notes
- Ideologies in action- gender and ethnicity
- Limits and Enhancements of Presidential Powers
- Photosynthesis for Dummies
- Rising Human Population
- A2 OCR F214 Communication, Homeostasis and Energy PPT
- Liberal Italy (1870-1914)
- schizophrenia PSYA4
- Relationships PSYA3
- Aggression PSYA3
- Multi store model of memory
- Multi store model of memory
- Nervous System for Dummies
- Determining the time of death ppt
- Causes of Death ppt
- Feminists & The New Right
- Aqa Physics P1
- Ecosystems: Change and Challenge (Full Topic)
- Respiration for Dummies
- Plate Techtonics and Associated Hazards
- AQA A2 (B) PSYB4: Approaches, debates and methods in psychology PPT
- Superpower geographies
- Energy Security
- Defences- necessity
- A2 Edexcel Geography: Contested Planet PPT
- Defences- intoxication
- Defences- duress
- India and the Nationalist Challenge Notes
- Macroeconomics (Full Course)
- Defences- automatism
- Napoleon Essay Plans (Rise to Power, Establishing Power, Consolidating Power, Military Success, Military Downfall and Napoleon's Empire)
- Voluntary manslaughter
- Defences- insanity
- Blake and Webster
- Non-fatal OAP- self defence/ of another/ prevent a crime
- Non-fatal OAP- Crown Prosecution Standards
- Non-fatal OAP-wounding/inflicting GBH with intent s18
- Non-fatal OAP- malicious wounding/inflicting GBH s20
- Non-fatal OAP- ABH (s47)
- Non-fatal OAP- common assault
- Biological Rhythms and Sleep
- AQA Chemistry C1
- Addiction Revision
- AS AQA PHYSICAL EDUCATION - Fully answered specification powerpoint
- OCR Psychology G544: Approaches and Research Methods in Psychology - Tips and Revision on how to answer Section B
- Definitions in Criminal Law
- Critiques of Religion - for Philosophy
- Religious Language
- The Ontological Argument
- Critics for Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
- Dracula Chapter 11
- King lear
- September 1913 Yeates
- The work of the house of lords - politics review
- Business Strategy PowerPoint - Business Review
- A2 Geography Case Studies - Plate Tectonics, Weather Hazards and Climate, World Cities, Globalisation and Development
- Nutrition - PE
- Biodiversity and natural resources (Topic 4 Revision Powerpoint)
- The Non Specific and Specific Response to an Antigen Powerpoint
- Distruption Of Biological Rhythms Powerpoint
- Urban Air Quality A2 Geography AQA
- Sexual Selection Powerpoint
- Voice of the genome (Topic 3 Revision Powerpoint)
- Energetics ppt
- Equity Theory Powerpoint
- of mice and men
- A Search For A Settlement
- Gothic quotes - The Bloody Chamber, Faustus and Frankenstein
- A2 SY3 understanding crime and deviance powerpoint
- Arousal (chapter 10)
- Full AQA Food Technology Powerpoint
- WJEC AS revision notes
- Poster showing the forces acting on a runner
- Mechanical concepts
- application of forces
- Why Did Parliament Win?
- Contract Law Part 3
- Contract Law Part 2
- Contract Law Part 1
- Actus Reus
- Mens Rea
- Child Psychology
- GEOG4- Tectonic activity and hazards [2014] pre-release series: #4- pre-release revision PPT.
- Why Did Civil War Break Out
- AQA Biolog B1
- Media Powerpoint
- A2 AQA (B) English Language revision PPT
- Aggression Powerpoint
- Sleep Powerpoint
- Relationships Powerpoint
- Parent Investment
- Charles I personal rule
- Unit 1 AS Law
- Oliver Cromwells Protectorate 1653-58
- Criminal Law Powerpoint revision
- Hi guys this one slightly overlaps with my AQA powerpoint.
- Wuthering Heights Quote/Analysis
- Fossils
- The Origins Of Life on Earth
- Transport in plants flashcards F211
- Transport in animals flashcards F211
- Physical geography case studies
- B3 flashcards edexcel
- B2 flashcards edexcel
- B1 Flashcards
- B1 Flashcards
- AQA A2 unit 4 ecology
- Feminism
- Marxism
- Action Theories
- Functionalism
- psychology Unit 2 Revision
- Core 2 revision notes
- Victimology
- Moral Panics
- Suicide
- Preventing, Policing and punishment
- Ethnicity and Crime
- Theories of Sentencing Revision
- Adult Sentencing
- WJEC | AS Business Studies | BS1 summary | presentation
- F321 Mindmap
- Bulletproof guide to answering Surgery paper
- The 1926 General Strike
- The Biological Approach
- Stress, more or less what you need to know
- Electra Characters
- Tectonic Landscapes
- AQA Physics P2 Presentation
- AS chemistry Precipitation Reactions
- Biology revision
- The Reliability of Eyewitness Testimony
- Is autism an extreme male brain condition?
- Biological Approach
- Research Methods
- A2 graphic products - product design (edexcel) 3
- The Rose Tattoo Character Guides
- Skills exam revision cards
- Chemisty Unit 2 powerpoint - Energetics and Kinetics
- A2 OCR Biology Unit 1 RESPIRATION powerpoint
- Colbert - Finance Minister under Louis XIV
- AQA Chemistry C2 Presentation
- Occupational, Corporate and Environmental Crime
- Gender issues and Offending
- Environmental Approaches - night time economy, crime of time and place.
- The influences of culture on romantic relationships
- The influences of childhood on adult relationships
- Topic 5 - Gender differences in parental investment
- Topic 4 - Sexual Selection
- The biosocial Approach to gender development
- The evolutionary explanation of gender roles
- The role of genes and hormones - evolutionary explanation of gender development
- Gender in the developing world
- Patterns of Crime
- Labelling Theory
- F324 Definitions
- OCR ethics AS revision notes
- A2 Unit 3- Racial and ethnic politics revision cards
- AQA A2 BiologyUnit 5: Response to Stimuli
- Religious Organisations
- musicals
- Points to use for Religion and Life
- Powerpoint on all set poems of Emily Dickinson
- Religion and Life notes
- AQA AS Geography Case Studies
- Factors Affecting Eating behaviour
- Reliability and Validity
Showing 1 to 2000 of 9527